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Aug '20 *
I will post this here rather than on the shoutbox because well, I ended up writing too much and with the limit, it's just not convenient. So for anyone who might have missed it, here are Johan's comments to which I will now respond:

@markus I thought that gory kind of stuff was not your cup of tea?Aren't you the more sophisticated type of horror guy? And what you like Walking Dead that's another surprise.

Oh bryan sannie boy even admitted that himself he isn't much for the gore. But there is always exceptions , Asian stuff probably gets bonus points and popular stuff as well or anything directed by Spielberg especially with a shark in it.

Firstly Johan, yeah referring to me as "sonnie boy" is very amusing indeed. I know you are trying very hard to provoke a response from me (and guess what, you sure got one) because that is what you like to do. It is in your nature to provoke people in order to gain a response, and you're very good at it. I don't know what reason you have for having a dig at me, only because I mentioned a Korean horror series that had great gore and if anyone else had seen it, but as Samuel L. Jackson said in Pulp Fiction: "Well allow me to retort!":

I've never claimed I don't like gore. I have no idea where you get that idea from. I will admit I prefer art house or as you say "sophisticated" horror movies to trash on the whole, but as you will be quite aware art house movies, such as Martyrs, can also have gore. I suppose this probably begs the question why I am here, on TRASH EPICS. Well I am still here because most of the other guys are not so narrow minded as you when it comes to horror. They don't try to constantly force their opinions on people. You're a person who believes people only like certain horror movies becaue they are "popular". And beacuse you feel these movies are overrated/overhyped, you somehow feel superior and then act all high and mighty - with your love of HG Lewis and, yes rather weirdly, horror movies with
very young girls as the main protagonist. Don't pretend it's not true or that I am the only one to notice. Other individuals have noticed it and have even left the site because of your constant digs at anyone who enjoys a "popular" horror. Even now you feel the need to have a dig at people who enjoy Spielberg movies. Well GUESS WHAT. Spielberg has actually made some decent movies regardless of your stupid opinion. You think you know better, well here's news for you: YOU DON'T.

And look, let's have a dig at Markus for liking Asian movies too while we are at it, because only Markus likes them! No one else does. Ironic considering you admitted once that you used to enjoy non-gore Asian movies like Ring, Ju-On and Tale of Two Sisters but now apparently, you're too above them or something. No they don't get bonus points for being Asian, although Japanese gore is probably the best in the world. I mentioned a Korean zombie show but yeah that's right, I like The Walking Dead too and just as much. But I bet you'd hate it because it's "too popular, man".

And no one is expecting you to like The Terminator either. You've already decided it's overrated before you've even seen it, because hey it's hip to go against what other people consider good, or popular, even if it's the GENERAL CONSESUS. Everyone else must be wrong, and Johan must be right... it makes you feel better.

You are not better than anyone else here Johan, just because of your niche love of trashy movies and your disdain for popular horror movies, so please stop acting like you are.

DerTables says:

Aug '20 *
I mean Johan likes asian things. He once said he likes Sailor Moon, but that's probably because he wants to bang the underage girls...

Johan_WoW says:
#4, Reply to #1

Aug '20
Oh look the invisble man is seeking for a companion. This thread made your day I bet. You gotta do better than that to unsettle me though.

DerTables says:
#6, Reply to #4

Aug '20
What do I have to call the police and tell them to look in your cellar?

Johan_WoW says:
#9, Reply to #6

Aug '20
Keep trying troll.

DerTables says:

Aug '20
Maybe Johan is really Joe Biden


Johan_WoW says:

Aug '20
Well Markus actually I think you have always been the kind of guy that felt superior to anyone not enjoying your taste of movies since the imdb days.

You would not let an opportunity to provoke me at any point either. Using sarcasm as a way to do so seems also your favorite way of doing so not only versus me but also versus Der and others. Made me think he feels now like the smart superior guy.

Why I now prefer the less complex and trashier movies is a change in taste. That might seem weird to you but that's how it is. That I'm forcing you to like this trashy stuff well I didn't put a gun to your head nor did I force you to reply on my threads. In fact you only seemed to care to reply when you disagreed. The classic label and the majority likes itn general consensus are arguments that are easy to use. There is nothing wrong with liking popular stuff and there is popular stuff I like too. I'm not thinking Walking Dead is bad because it is popular. I prefer movies over TV shows anyway and don't want to invest that much time in a series about surviving during a zombie apocalypse.

It's true I usually don't like this high rated stuff since most of it is not in my interest. However I don't go with the intention of watching and disliking it anyway. Going out of my comfort or interest zone is something I push myself to usually when doing challenges. And yeah once in a while there are movies I enjoyed not expecting that.

Also if that is true that everyone else on this site thinks the same about me forcing my opinion on others. Actually that given would make me feel not better or superior more like the opposite.

Anyway I have tried to get along with you Markus and that worked for a while especially when there was someone like Der being an ass towards others. But there is always some point we will clash apparently by provoking each other. It's just darn hard to know whtat to talk to you about as I do have the feeling you are easily offended and also your range of interest in movies not only differs significantly from mine it also seems smaller or at least you are not keen to go out of your comfort zone. Not asking or "forcing" you to do so but somehow it would be cool if you actually would at times. And maybe just maybe I get to know why you dislike HG Lewis movies (at this point I still don't know if you have seen one of these) Going out of that comfort zone I do that plenty of times because hey I might be missing out on something good. And at least I do try so I can give my honest opinion even if you think I decided to hate it before I have seen it which is pure nonsense. You can see that a waste of time but that's what movies are about entertainment, wasting some time IMO.It's just a suggestion it might enrich your life, decision is yours. But it's a bit of 1 direction only hearing from you when it seems to be the more niche stuff.

Ok I make the promise I won't provoke you any more I won't even react on you when it doesn't trigger my interest. But I won't stop giving my opinion when I like or dislike anything. If you feel like reacting on that no problem but don't accuse me of forcing opinions on others or thinking I'm only around to provoke you or others. That I mostly heard from you when disagreeing with me it felt more like you waiting in the bushes to get at my throat when given the chance.

markus-san says:

Aug '20 *
Well at least you admit you purposely tried to provoke me / drive me out of hiding in the bushes by 1. claiming that I think Asian movies are somehow superior 2. that I am too "sophisticated" to enjoy gore 3. having yet another dig at Jaws and 4. addressing me as "sonny boy". All I asked on the shoutbox was if anyone had seen Kingdom and enjoyed the gore and the one person who has to respond in such a manner is you.

I did not say "everyone else" thinks the same way at all, but there are certainly some who would agree with me that your attitude towards people who like the more popular / acclaimed stuff is often condescending and mocking in nature. You know this full well, so you will regularly "have a go" at movies like Jaws, Hereditary, Halloween, etc. to try to provoke a response. We all know your opinion on these movies, yet for some reason you feel you need to remind us on a regular basis, even if the topic is completely unrelated. You just can't help yourself and you know it (but would never admit it). Oh and I don't just do sarcasm. You do it too.

I've never felt superior to anyone else for enjoying more art house horror movies more than trash. If I did, then I would not be here. Sure, I addressed Zombie recently for giving The Lighthouse a 1, but he claimed it was because he felt it was boring which is fine. I can accept people thinking an art house movie is boring or not something they enjoy. But at least he doesn't bang on about it all the time or try to mock or provoke others who did like it.

It is not nonsense to suggest that you go into popular movies expecting to hate them. You just proved this with your comment about The Terminator being not as bad as you thought it was going to be. Why on Earth would you think it was going to be bad? You already know it's highly regarded so how could you going into it thinking it was going to be "much worse". I mean I could go and watch a movie like Troll 2, which I know is regarded as being one of the worst movies ever made, but come out of it thinking actually it was not as terrible as I was expecting it to be. Which is unlikely, but you get what I mean. So with a movie like The Terminator it makes absolutely no sense to think it's going to be terrible. Your mindset is already conditioned into thinking you are going to hate a popular movie and sure, occasionally you might actually enjoy one but let's be honest, it's not very often is it.

Finally it's wrong to presume I don't like to go out of my comfort zone. On the contrary I do from time to time. For example I recently watched Troma's favourite, Basket Case and was pleasantly surprised how funny and enjoyable it was, albeit not a particularly great movie.

I am glad you've promised not to try to provoke me purposely again. I'll go back to hiding in the bushes and hopefuly stay there...

DerTables says:
#7, Reply to #5

Aug '20 *
Johan is a contrarian.

Movie is popular; he won't like it.
Movie is bad; he will think it's not as bad as people think.

Johan_WoW says:
#12, Reply to #7

Aug '20
And Der is a frustrated fucker who can only react with childish replies. Your obsession with me is truly amazing. You happy that I don't ignore you now like most people do on here?

Gymnopedie says:
#15, Reply to #12

Aug '20
Careful now.. you will alienate even more people.

DerTables says:
#18, Reply to #12

Aug '20
I mean obsesion is a strong word. I don't like you and think you are very creepy as well as a general ass, but I'm about as far from obsessed with you as one can be. As far as me having childish replies, I hope you don't see it like that because I really don't want you to be atracted to me.

Johan_WoW says:
#24, Reply to #18

Aug '20
Well at least that is a mutual feeling. Don't worry I'm not into anyone from the male sex nor into underage you must be mixing me up with a troll going by the name Victoryismineblast. And I'm not attracted to manipulative and abusive creeps like you anway, so you are safe.

DerTables says:
#25, Reply to #24

Aug '20
I feel there was a lot of dancing arround there. Is it that difficult for you to say "I'm not atracted to little girls". It's also not a good sign that you know other pedophiles...

Johan_WoW says:
#32, Reply to #25

Aug '20
Well I'm not attracted to little girls. happy now?

So how about you prepared to say how much you like to be a manipulative abusive person?

DerTables says:
#33, Reply to #32

Aug '20
Can you clarify your question, it doesn't make gramatical or logical sense.

Johan_WoW says:
#38, Reply to #33

Aug '20
Well how about you making less spelling errors? it's astonishing that I make less than you being non-native English.
Simple how much do you like to manipulate people in your life?

DerTables says:
#41, Reply to #38

Aug '20
Like on a 10 scale? I'd say 4/10.

Gymnopedie says:

Aug '20
Well said, Markus.

I agree with you fully.

Johan_WoW says:
#10, Reply to #8

Aug '20
Oh look who has come out of the bushes to kiss some ass. Actually not surprising.

Gymnopedie says:
#11, Reply to #10

Aug '20 *
Actually not suprising Markus feels the way he does.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.