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Aug '19 *
Congratulations to Ballz, the victor of the war (pun intended) movie challenge. It was a close run combat right until the end with literally just a short movie in it. I have to say it, there were some disappointing showings with at least a couple of desertions (pun intended again). Court-martials will undoubtably ensue.. OK, I will stop now. Here are the results:

Ballz 4,019
Markus-san 3,929
Snowy 1,794
Box 712
Bambi 423
Der 325
Zombie 121

Ballz, I hope you discovered some movies you enjoyed, well.. I know you did! And maybe some movies you didn't enjoy so much but will give a second chance emoticon. Hopefully the next challenges will be a little more "active", and I know October usually gets the numbers but sadly it will still be down on previous years I fear. So if you sucked at this one, you know what to do!


Ballz says:

Aug '19 *
Yes, some were very good. Full Metal Jacket was probably my favorite. The Pianist, Das Boot, Grave of the Fireflies, and The Beguiled (1971) are also up there. The Thin Red Line and Come and See are the only ones I didn't like, but not enough to never give them another chance. If nothing else, during the 2020 War Challenge, should you decide to bring it back.

Thanks for hosting! emoticon

I'm hoping both the Sci-Fi/Fantasy and October challenges will see more activity, but I share your concern.

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '19
I didn't even break a thousand points, so I feel like I deserve a court martial. It's a good challenge idea, but I was too busy failing at life to kill enough Charlies in this challenge. I didn't even get to watch some of my essential go-to movies, like Full Metal Jacket and Saving Private Ryan. Those would have been some easy points. Only steers and queers come from Texas, so I must be in the latter category.

No challenges for August yet, it seems, so hopefully we can muster up at least one mini-challenge in the coming weeks. Sci-fi/Fantasy challenge ought to have a better turnout, and the October challenge definitely ought to. We all need to do our part in trying to recruit some new blood for this shit, because October is our month to shine.

Snowy_Owl says:

Aug '19
It was a fun challenge. Iโ€™m not a big war movie person, so I got burned out pretty easily, but I had fun watching a couple movies that I havenโ€™t seen. If we do this next year I will definitely challenge myself to watch more! Thank you for a wonderful challenge!


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.