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Feb '23
The past couple of weeks I've been rewatching his films which started by bumping into Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I thought it was good the 1st time I viewed it but appreciated it much more this 2nd time around. So I started digging out old DVDS and searching out what I didn't own, I even watched films he doesn't consider his but either co-wrote, co-directred or produced like Killing Zoe, Four Rooms and Dusk til Dawn. I didn't bother rewatching Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction cause I can practically recite them while watching, I've seen them so many times. After viewing just about his whole filmography I've come to this...The Hateful Eight is his most underrated film. We will never again see a film like this, not only for it's content but the way it's filmed. Not only was it not shot digitally but he filmed it in 70mm, something at the time not done for over a decade or 2. The panoramic widescreen is just unbelievable when and if noticed. Jennifer Jason Leigh was nominated for an Oscar even though those awards have been irrelevant since 2000 imo. You will never again see a performance like the one she gives simply cause it's not allowed anymore. Anyways, so if I think The Hateful Eight is his most underrated which of his films do I think is his most overrated?... IMO it's a coin toss between Death Proof and Inglorious Bastards. Debate me, leave your thoughts or ignore me...it's fine.

markus-san says:

Mar '23 *
I don't think Death Proof can be called "overrated" because most fans consider it to be his weakest film by some distance. Even the critics didn't take too kindly to it at the time. Although I do prefer it as part of Grindhouse rather than as a standalone movie despite it missing that fantastic lap dance scene.

I can't really say I find any of his movies to be "overrated" personally although I was slightly disappointed in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, so I might say that one. I've only seen it once though, definitely need to watch it again. Django Unchained is another one I find, whilst I do enjoy it, it's not one of the ones that I feel I want to revisit that often (probably because of the last 20/30 minutes which it drags it out too long), unlike Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs which like you, I can practically recite and never tire of re-watching.

IMO, Jackie Brown might be his most underrated.

Interesting that Kill Bill Vol III might end up being his "10th" and final movie when Kill Bill Vol. I and Vol. II are considered to be one movie. It won't be The Whole Bloody Affair anymore will it. Perhaps he should call it something like Kill The Bride or Kill Beatrix Kiddo, considering Bill is well... already dead emoticon.

markus-san says:
#17, Reply to #13

Mar '23 *
Yeah Chapter One and Chapter Four (in the tavern) are the best parts of IB. Chapter Two is the worst but the other two chapters are pretty decent. I always enjoy the finale, partcularly the use of the Bowie song. Pitt's accent is pretty ridiculous I agree but a couple of occassions he genuinely made me laugh. And Waltz is great throughout it.

markus-san says:
#16, Reply to #15

Mar '23
For what it's worth, here's mine:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Kill Bill
4. Jackie Brown
5. The Hateful Eight
6. Inglorious Basterds
7. Django Unchained
8. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
9. Death Proof


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.