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Sep '19 *
Rules for voting:
1. Contests will be held one at a time
2. Votes will only be cast by contestants not in the current contest
3. Ties will be broken by Vince

Contestants (X denotes a loss):
1. Der_Tables (X)
2. Box_a_Hair (X)
3. Snowey_Owl (X)
4. Bambithedeart (X)(X)
5. PickOfDestiny (X)(X)
6. Ballz
7. Gymnopedie (X)(X)
8. ZombieCPA (X)(X)

PickOfDestiny: Mark Watney (The Martian), Predator (Predator), Starlord (Gaurdians of the Galaxy), Neo (Matrix), T-1000 (T2), Blade (Blade), Hackerman (Kung Fury), Alice (Residant Evil), Tallahassee (Zombieland), The Kid (Turbokid)

Der_Tables: T800 Terminator (T2), Lightning McQueen (Cars 3), Malcom Reynolds (Firefly), Ellen Ripley (Alien), Dr. Zaius (Planet of the Apes), Toxic Avenger (The Toxic Avenger), Triceracop (Kung Fury), Bender (Futurama), Doc Brown (Back to the Future), Herbert West (Reanimater)

Ballz: Robocop (Robocop), Roy Batty (Blade Runner), Max Rockatansky (Mad Max), Snake Plissken (Escape from New York), Darth Vader (Star Wars), Alex (A Clockwork Orange), Marty McFly (Back to the Future), The Gunslinger (Westworld '73), Reggie (Phantasm), Nada (They Live)

Box_a_Hair: Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China), Michael Waits (Troll 2), Kung Fury (Kung Fury), Swamp Thing (Swamp Thing), Special Agent Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks), Dr. Dan Challis (Halloween 3), Morty Smith (Rick and Morty), Tim, the Enchanter(Monty Python and the Holy Grail), Jack Deth (Trancers), Lucien Sanchez (Darkplace)

Snoweeey_Owle: Douglas Quaid (Total Recall), Sarah Connor (Terminator), Han Solo (Star Wars), Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Gordon Cole (Twin Peaks), The Flash (The Flash), Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Ashley โ€œAshโ€ J. William (Evil Dead), Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands), Eric Draven (The Crow)

Bambithedeart: Dom Cobb (Inception), Xenomorph (Alien), Steve Rogers (Captian America), Furiousa (Mad Max 4), Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show), Chewbacca (Star Wars), Gamora (Gaurdians of the Galaxy), Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman 2017), Ian Malcom (Jurasic Park), Trinity (Matrix)

ZombieCPA: Frankenstein's Monster (Frankenstein), King Kong (King Kong), Gojira / Godzilla (Godzilla), Dr. Jack Griffin (The Invisible Man), The Blob (The Blob), Killbot (Chopping Mall), Taarna (Heavy Metal), Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon), Jack Skellington (A Nightmare Before Christmas), Irena Dubrovna Reed (Curse of Cat People)

Gymnopedie: Vincent Freeman (Gattaca), Donnie Darko (Donnie Darko), Aaron, "Man" (Tetsuo), Jake Epping (11.22.63), John Oldman (The Man from Earth), Truman Burbank (The Truman Show), Nemo (Mr. Nobody), Winston Smith (1984), Tom Creo (The Fountain)

Round 1:

Box_a_Hair vs SnoweeeeeeeeeeeeyOwl
Pick_of_Destiny vs ZombieCPA
Der_Tables vs Bambithedeer
Gymnopedie vs Ballz

Round 2:
Bambithedeer vs Gymnopedie
Der_Tables vs SnowyOwl
Ballz vs Pick_of_Destiny
Box_a_Hair vs ZombieCPA

Round 3:
Der_Tables vs Pick_of_Destiny
Box_a_Hair vs Bambithedeer
Snowy_Owl vs Ballz

Snowy_Owl says:
#126, Reply to #125

Oct '19
Look I'm not trying to run your draft. I was going along with what the conversation was earlier. I in no way shape or form insinuated that I was running this draft. I know you spent tome creating this, but if people want to stop then let them stop. Like I said I will continue with the draft because I signed up for it, but again all i was saying at the beginning is that people want to be done with it, and maybe it's time to move on because I figured you hadn't seen the shouts.

DerTables says:
#131, Reply to #126

Oct '19
You literally said
"That should officially mean that ballz won"
That is more than a bit of an insinuation, especially since no one had even PM'd me. You crowned a winner.

Bambithedeer says:
#114, Reply to #112

Oct '19
well now I know so I wonโ€™t participate next time then.
This draft lasted almost a month.. The October challenge started and thatโ€™s my main focus now.

DerTables says:
#118, Reply to #114

Oct '19
It takes 2 seconds to vote. This is just rediculous. You two are making a month long draft and trashing it at the end. No one is going to want to do another draft if they think participants are just going to give up once they are out. Many people: Basic Username, Vince, etc.. are watching this and enjoying spectacting. There is also more than just 1st place. Some people want to play for 2nd and 3rd. If this is how you are going to be not only do I recomend you not join another draft, you simply won't be allowed to. Gymno has been coming on to vote for weeks despite being out. Snowy gets one loss and sudenly she wants to just end it all. This is bullshit. If you don't want to vote fine, I will sub vince in as a voter and if Snowy feels the same I will simply disqualify her.

Bambithedeer says:

Oct '19
Also I asked a question before I stated that the October challenge was my main priority. I donโ€™t know if you saw it or not, but I had asked how it would work since Ballz is the only with no losses?
If itโ€™s between you & David and whoever wins are they going to go against Snowy or ballz? And then whoever gets knocked out is going to go for the final round?

DerTables says:
#120, Reply to #116

Oct '19
You were in the room when I explained this to you, Snowy and Box, if there are 3 people left it turns into a 3 way match with the lowest number of votes recieved getting the loss.

Bambithedeer says:

Oct '19
Look, Iโ€™m not trying to argue with you or make a huge deal out of this. I just stated that mostly everyone agreed to Ballz winning the draft. You clearly still want to participate & not end your draft early which I can understand why. At the end of the day itโ€™s your post. Iโ€™m not trying to come off as mean or anything either. I also forgot the explanation so thatโ€™s why I asked again.

Cornpop says:

Oct '19
I'm genuinely irritated with this. I think you all know that I would tell Der if I think he is wrong, but he really isn't. It takes minimal effort to vote and make a list based on personal preferences. The site should be able to have more than one thing going on at once. That is what makes it interesting and fun. It will make it hard for me to invest in any challenge in the future if I know that this will happen. Hell if it were any other site I would log off and not come back. I told box that I would participate in this October challenge and I have been enjoying myself. I'm not trying to fight or start shit with anyone, but I just want to put it out there that this is lame as fuck! Rude as fuck too. I mean no disrespect to anyone, but I felt I needed to say something.

Bambithedeer says:
#129, Reply to #127

Oct '19
No I completely understand where youโ€™re coming from I wasnโ€™t trying to come off rude or anything either. So I do apologize. I want to have fun on this site! I love being on TE. I will continue to vote & hopefully we can all move past this.
I truly did not want any drama, Iโ€™m not in HS anymore.

From now on, if I want to participate in a draft I will fully give myself into it and not try to quit when itโ€™s almost done. I guess I was just more excited that October had started..

DerTables says:
#132, Reply to #129

Oct '19
It's just very frustrating to me, and feels like no one aprciates the time I've spent on this for you all to just say fuck it I've got something else to do now. It's also very disheartening and makes me think twice about continuing to run any of these. I have many other forum games I want to start trying out here, but if people are just going to quit I'm not sure I should.

Snowy_Owl says:
#133, Reply to #132

Oct '19
I love the drafts, and the stories, they are fun and entertaining. So yes keep doing it, and we will participate.

Bambithedeer says:
#134, Reply to #132

Oct '19
I get thatโ€™s its frustrating & im sorry. None of this shouldโ€™ve happened. It got blown out of proportion.
Please donโ€™t think that. Iโ€™ve told you before I reallllly had fun as this being my first draft EVER!
I think you have great ideas, donโ€™t let this stupid unnecessary drama make you think that.
Pick has had a lot of fun with the draft.
I never meant to upset you. Youโ€™re one of my good friends, Iโ€™m sorry I made you feel this way. I promise if I ever get involved with a draft, or a challenge I wonโ€™t just back out.
Itโ€™s been an extremely long day, none of this should of happened.

DerTables says:
#135, Reply to #134

Oct '19
In the future, what should happen is that is people feel this should end someone should PM me, I will then call a vote and if everyone agrees to end it then it will end. It's just disrespectful of those that may not want to end it to say hey you wasted your time it's over. Imagine being a new member here, you've made it to the top 4 and then suddenly everyone else just votes to end it. You would feel like you just wasted a month of time. These kinds of decisions have to be 100% or else people feel alianated and will be discuraged from playing again. I would have been happy to hold said vote, and since I'm the moderator I wouldn't have a vote.

Snowy_Owl says:
#136, Reply to #135

Oct '19
Okay agreed. If something happens again go through you. I never meant to step on your toes. So again I apologize.

DerTables says:
#137, Reply to #136

Oct '19
It's not because I want to rule with an iron fist either. I dream of a day when a lot of people want to run games here. And no one else is going to want to run things if they feel they don't have controll of it. I can handle this but someone who finally got the courage to run a game they have an idea for just to have participants decide to end it on their own toward the end would probably make them not want to run another game.

Snowy_Owl says:
#138, Reply to #137

Oct '19
Okay. I agree. I need to learn to word things better, because I wasn't trying to start anything. Just trying to let you know!

Snowy_Owl says:
#130, Reply to #127

Oct '19
Okay I hear you. I honestly wasn't trying to be rude. I was just genuinely confused because we had said that we thought it should end because ballz has made it through without a loss. I wasn't trying to make a big deal, and I will still participate. I was just letting him know that people were losing interest.
Hell I don't care that I lost I was just having fun, but it became not fun, and felt lacking of interest. I thought that maybe he should move on to the horror draft because that would be more fitting at the time, and maybe people who are only on here in October would participate! Honest I think der has a very good chance at being second! I think his list is better than mine. And this draft was interesting. I have never done anything like this before and had fun. I apologize if I came off rude. It was never my intention. I just felt that der should know that some of us were feeling like it was dragging on, and needed to end.

Also please don't stop participating! It's fun having you on here!

Cornpop says:

Oct '19
That took me a long time to write so I may have yet to read other replies...


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.