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Trash Arcade

Mar 2019 *
I'm trying to get better at my web programming and I am trying to make some basic games. I'd like to put them on the site if people would play them.

What I'd like to know is what basic games do you guys like and would you like to play them on here?

Game Pipeline
1. Trash vs Zombie (What I'm working on Currently
2. Trash Man Beta
3. Trash Poker (I'll figure out a better name for it)
4. Trasha-noid

Completed Project
None yet, but links coming soon

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar 2019
So me and der have come up with a few 2D titles that der should have no problem implementing. After all, he wont be reinventing the wheel with these games, but rather changing skins and themes to public assets. I still want database interaction for these games, so you can save high scores and get achievements for beating games, so then we can get fun with it.

Here are a few titles we'll be looking into for our arcade experiment. Not sure how to classify some of these or even what to rename them as, but here goes:

Action: beat 'em up, contrash, galaga, space invaders, robotron, whack-a-mole
Survival: arkanoid, frogger, pacman, peggle, pong, snake, tetris, tron

Board: checkers, chess, mah jong, scrabble
Card: blackjack, poker, solitaire
Puzzle: connect 4, match-3, memory game, minesweeper
RPG: pokemon, text adventure

Just throwing out some ideas, and der will see what he can do with them.



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