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Election 2020

Aug '20 *
With the US election on the horizon I figured it would be nice to have a place for CIVIL political discord. That being said feel free to drag your third world non-american politics into the mix as well

peeptoad says:
#166, Reply to #165

Nov '20 *
Oh hell, no! :)

OnyxHades says:
#167, Reply to #166

Nov '20 *
I am legitimately curious though. Have the Christians you know explained how they view abortion fits in with their religion? Where I'm from and the surrounding states, I've honestly never met a pro-choice Christian.

I could never be ok with it myself.

1. I have kids and I could never imagine being without them.
2. I was adopted myself and I'm very thankful my biological mother didn't have me aborted.

I don't get why people just don't choose adoption as an alternative to abortion.

peeptoad says:
#174, Reply to #167

Nov '20 *
Have the Christians you know explained how they view abortion fits in with their religion?

Not precisely, no. Of course I'm not real hep to ask either. It could be because of practicalities, life experiences or other reasons not having to do with religion itself. E.G. my frined (whose family I just mentioned) had an abortion in high school and her family was ware at the time. It caused no great rift or upheaval in her family... so I am unsure.

BTW, I am also adopted and I have some real misgivings about that entire process (legalities, etc.). I don't always think it's the best alternative to abortion actually.

Gymnopedie says:
#159, Reply to #157

Nov '20
Exactly, there are many factors to consider. You can't generalize.

ZombieCPA says:
#168, Reply to #154

Nov '20 *
I don't take the extremists view that rape victims should be banned from getting an abortion. If a rape victim decides to have the baby, then she is a saint, but I would not force that on someone.

The Morning-After Pill should be legal. It is another form of birth control that prevents ovulation. Only science deniers consider it abortion.

The job of the government is not to legislate morality. My morals are different based on my life experiences which is different than others. I would never encourage anyone to have an abortion. I have a child who was adopted and am greatful to the biological parents. Common sense tells you though that not all pregnant women of babies they are unable to take care of will follow that path. I would rather those who choose to have an abortion do a safe one. One that will not cause injuries to the adult. This is basically the same stance as my church.

โ€œtragic conflicts of life with life that may justify abortion, and in such cases we support the legal option of abortion under proper medical procedures by certified medical providers.โ€


OnyxHades says:
#169, Reply to #168

Nov '20 *
I just could never do it. I don't want to live with the guilt of murder on my hands. I think adoption is a better option than abortion. If pregnant by rape or incest, why not turn that into something positive and give that child up to a loving family that desperately wants a child? Why punish a pure and innocent life? If it's just getting pregnant from screwing around, maybe the better option is for women to find birth control that works, tubal ligation surgery if they never want kids, or just keep their legs closed.

markus-san says:
#170, Reply to #169

Nov '20
And I wonder how might the child feel about being the result of a rape or incest. I imagine it's quite a weight on their shoulder to live with or do you think the adoptive parents should hide those kind of truths.

OnyxHades says:
#171, Reply to #170

Nov '20 *
I see no need to tell them unless they ask. Even then I would wait until old enough for them to learn the circumstances. I would let them know that even though their biological mother went through something horrific, she knew it wasn't their fault and they should have a chance at a happy life.

Johan_WoW says:
#173, Reply to #154

Nov '20 *
I'm not pro abortion either. But I do believe a lot of people who call themselves christian are christian when it suits them. But you can say that pretty much about all religions. I think adoption should be always the best solution unless yeah it would put the mother's life in danger (for example teenage or even child moms). I know it's not the unborn child being at fault but an underage girl being raped and becoming pregnant should also be protected. I don't think she should put her life at stake either if the pregnancy could prove to be fatal for her.

I don't think the religion really matters in this case. I think any good human being should be pro life. But that doesn't mean if someone thinks abortion is ok in some circumstances is automatically a bad person. Some people are also pretty anti suicide. I think when people have no other solution any more it's understandable and I really don't think it's an act of weakness that would send them to hell.

ZombieCPA says:

Nov '20
Trump supporters must be completely embarrassed by now as the butthurt moron keeps insisting he won even though he lost by a "landslide" according to Trump's own words in 2016.

His ranting about fake election fraud is bad for America and undermines the country. He and his remaining supporters hate America as they are trying to overturn the will of the people.

ZombieCPA says:

Dec '20
One month later and Trump is still whining and complaining about mythical voter fraud. It is more likely that Big Foot, The Loc Ness Monster, or aliens from outer space will be sighted than Trump finding these fraudulent votes.

Ballz says:
#192, Reply to #191

Dec '20 *
One month is nothing compared to four years of Democrats whining and complaining about mythical Russia collusion.

Johan_WoW says:
#194, Reply to #192

Dec '20 *
Which is again nothing compared to 4 years of lying, crying fake news when things don't go your way and making your country look awful (dictatorial and unempathic) versus the rest of the world. I tried to get reasonable arguments from Trump supporters why they vote republican but barely it went further than hatred for the democrats. Pretty much every argument Box gave for example was anti-democrat and not once an argument why such a president was good for all Americans.

Tromafreak says:
#195, Reply to #194

Dec '20 *
Calling the very obvious left-leaning media out on their neverending, shameless bias (and proven lies) isn't crying. That's just a way of dismissing his point of view without having to explain why it's not true. A tired old trick by this point. Someone finally had the guts to say something and stand up to the corrupt fucking establishment and their allies in the media, who very much attacked first, before he was even president, getting a head start on dividing the country and framing him for it in the process, not to mention dismissing half the country as sub-human, brainless low lives, which has made the conformist left even more hate-filled than they were. The Liberals are the ones who don't see what they're doing, or just too arrogant and tribal to care. The Liberals are the ones who would literally change what they think if they discovered that they accidentally agreed with Trump on something, because their hate is about being trendy far more than they'll ever admit. Liberals are the ones who only recognize facts as facts, science as science, dishonesty as dishonesty, proof as proof, the right thing as the right thing, when it benefits THEM, or is simply the popular opinion. Democrats are the ones who are pushing for censorship, which is one reason why you guys are always so uninformed. And I believe the Democrats and their brainwashed minions are so horrible for this country, that voting red and backing the one guy who is still willing to stand up to them is the only remotely sensible choice at this point. Even if their cheating pays off and that child-molesting corpse is allowed to help China ruin us, I'm proud to be on the right side of history. I'm proud to be anti-Democrat.

markus-san says:
#196, Reply to #195

Dec '20
This is what I don't get. Trump and many of his supporters are convinced that because he lost, there must be cheating involved yet the courts are throwing the cases out left right and center due to lack of any evidence. Even the REPUBLICAN governor for Georgia after what, two recounts, said there was no evidence of fraud. But that didn't suit Trump so he wants to order a new election in the state. The whole thing is becoming a complete farce. And I am not sure who is the one with the brainwashed minions when I look at Trump's latest rally in Georgia, in which yet again, no one is bothering with social distancing or masks after record amounts of deaths in the country. It beggars belief to me.

Tromafreak says:
#197, Reply to #196

Dec '20
Yeah, never mind the fact that Biden put less effort into his campaign than anyone in modern history, refused to answer any question asked of him, got made a fool of twice in debates, had a massive scandal to deal with right before people voted (although social media censorship took care of him on that as much as they could), never had a fanbase of his own to begin with, and somehow, the man gets more votes than Obama??? Yeah, my fucking ass got more votes than Obama.


markus-san says:
#198, Reply to #197

Dec '20 *
I think the general thought is that Trump became so unpopular with the majority of Americans that they'd have voted for anyone rather than allow Trump to get re-elected for a second term so I think comparing it to Obama is pretty irrelevant. The fact that so many voted early because they'd simply had enough, is pretty much indicative of this.

Tromafreak says:
#199, Reply to #198

Dec '20 *
I think that's the general thought amongst those who still buy into the leftist media along with their own wishful thinking. If he was as unpopular as they claim, the country wouldn't be as divided as it is. And I'm afraid the fact that so many voted early isn't indicative of jack shit. Like it or not, over 70 million people voted for Trump, so, if there is any question about the validity of the outcome of this election (and there is a lot of them), then, they deserve for it to be looked in to. And something like this being ignored would not be good as we don't need either half the country losing that much faith in the electoral system. This goes far beyond "I wanted my guy to win". If this is cleared up and Biden really did it, fine.... I mean we're fucked and all, but whatever. I'd rather blame the idiots who voted him in then to go on thinking it was a lost cause all along. And if the so-called resistance is so confident that he's THAT unpopular, then, nothing to lose! Oh, but investigations are all of a sudden a waste of time because of course they are. emoticon

ZombieCPA says:
#200, Reply to #196

Dec '20
Trump's supporters are gullible, brainwashed morons who will believe any idiotic conspiracy theory.

Johan_WoW says:
#201, Reply to #195

Dec '20
That doesn't take away I still have the feeling Trump would be a dictator if he really was given the power. I don't believe his policy would actually be good for anyone in our outside the US in the long term. Denying climate change is an example I already gave. And you really can't say he managed the Covid crisis well. That doesn't make me anti-republican more like anti-Trump if you like. Put anyone else than Trump or his entourage as candidate and I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be so much criticism on the US policy and international relations between US and other countries would be better. There is global problems that need to be solved. Our generationmight not have to worry about climate change or pollution proving catastrophal for us but the next generations surely would like to have a more hopeful future.

That you say you are anti-democrat for the points given ok. However that is also a core problem. Hate democrats vote republican, hate republicans vote democrat. How many people actually vote by means of protest for the other party? It's for or against, black or white. Why can't there be a middle ground? Grey doesn't make a chance because 99% of the poeple are convinced or made to believe a third party would not make a chance. Of course if you are not given a chance anyway because of over 150 years of either red or blue reigning, how can one believe there is going to be real change and it's not a vicious circle of tired of one party so for next 4 years we try the other?


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