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Aug '23
This flick's one of those indies that actually got a theatrical release, and I'm not sure how you guys feel about that.

The movie's basically The Village, post-apocalypse edition. It's unclear what kind of virus they're dealing with, but I think Mortuary (2005) began a "black vomit" trend, which is present here.
The "It" probably refers to the paranoia they have for each other, although it's happening 24/7, not just nightly.
Joel Edgerton plays a hard-nosed family man, but a fair one, who has to make some tough calls throughout.
So there's lots of action, with shades of grey everywhere.

All in all, I recommend the film. My only complaint is that (much like The Village), it's a film pretty much marketed as horror, but is really a thriller. 7/10

zed says:

Aug '23
Yeah I saw it 6/10 can't really much about it TBH, it was well made and entertaining is all I remember, but quickly forgettable cause it missed that special spark


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