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Sep '19
I'm not sure if anyone here has seen any of the AHS seasons, but I am a huge fan of this show! Most seasons are really good, my least favorite would have to be Roanoke. Anyways, whenever they announced that season 9 was going to be an 80's slasher theme I was totally excited! 80's slasher movies are one of my favorites!

@Pick & I were able to watch the first episode on Thursday and I was really impressed. The acting was cute & cheesy like a normal 80's slasher. I think they have a pretty good cast this season, although I do miss Sarah Paulson & Evan Peters, but I totally understand why they both needed to take a break.

I am looking forward to see how the rest of the season goes. A lot of people are saying they get the Friday the 13th vibes, and I see it too, but whenever I first saw the trailer I got Sleepaway Camp vibes! So I am excited to see what twists this season will have!

Any thoughts? Anyone else love this show as much as I do? I'd love to hear!

Snowy_Owl says:

Sep '19
I love the seasons that I have watched if AHS, but there are seasons I have yet to watch. As much as I love sleep away camp, I still have more of a Friday the 13th vibe, and other slashers. They are definitely paying homage to a lot of slashers, Halloween included. Watching the episode it was super fun to catch all of the references. This season is definitely going to be fun!

I also miss Evan Peters, but even without him in the first episode it still was pretty good!

Bambithedeer says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '19
You can definitely skip season 6! I couldn't get myself to watch the full season. Yeah I am really glad they did a season like this! I also love the fact that Matthew Morrison is in it! I am excited to see how he plays his character this season, because I am just used to him being Mr. Schue! Lol.

Snowy_Owl says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '19
Haha me too. And Roanoke is one of the seasons I have watched. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't the greatest thing. They could have done so much more for it

Tommix says:

Sep '19 *
I am watching it too! So far so good. There are several possible killers walking around that camp, soooo that's good, I guess. Good for us, as viewers. Less good for the non-killers at the camp.

There have been many very clear references to Friday the 13th and Halloween already. I have been wondering if there could be some kind of a Nightmare on Elm Street plotline as well, just because they set it in 1984, when the first NoES came out. My guess is that they will NOT do that, but you never know. They might have set it in 1984 because that year is considered to be the peak for pop music, according to some Rolling Stone survey they did a few years ago. I'm not saying I agree with that, but there was some kind of survey, study, or poll, and they decided 1984 was the best year ever for pop music. So, that makes for great background music for each episode. That has already been much in evidence, IMHO.

Edit: You know what, I'm just overthinking it. They set it in 1984 because that's when the LA Olympics were. Although, there could be other reasons... that must be the main reason though.

I like how they made Montana look like young Linnea Quigley! She even has sort of a Barbara Crampton element in her hairdo, too.

I have not really paid much attention to this show over the years, so I can't say anything about how the show usually goes. But, I have noticed that people commenting on the show often mention that Emma Roberts has played bitchy or evil roles, in the past. I'm not even sure if she has played those roles on this show, now that I'm thinking about this... anyway, it makes me think that she could still turn out to be a psycho killer in some way. She seems nice so far, but it's just the first episode.

OK, that's all I can think of right now. Let us all now look forward to the next episode.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #4

Sep '19
I can mostly agree that 1984 is the pinnacle of the 80s, but one can also argue that 1987 is right up. You've got Elm Street 3, RoboCop, Predator, Hellraiser, Evil Dead 2, Lethal Weapon, and some other shit... Those two have got to be the best of the decade, right?

Tommix says:
#7, Reply to #6

Sep '19
I just meant it was supposedly the pinnacle for pop music. That was the subject of the study I'm trying to remember. But for demented movies, yes!, 1987 was a doozy. 1981 was pretty good too, just for the sheer tsunami of slasher movies.

Bambithedeer says:
#8, Reply to #4

Sep '19
I love your response!! & yes me too about how they made Montana look! Ill keep in touch with you throughout the season so we can discuss what we liked/didnโ€™t like about the episodes, haha!

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '19
I'm 4 seasons behind, but this season looks more interesting than all of those ones combined. I love the promo stuff they have for it. That's really what sold me, so I'm diving into it because camp slashers are the shit.

Bambithedeer says:
#9, Reply to #5

Sep '19
Gotta catch up! Haha just kidding, even though in some way they all kinda link up together.
Iโ€™m glad this one caught your eye! This season looks promising, and Iโ€™m super stoked they did a season based around slasher movies


Sep '19
Iโ€™m really digging the vibe of this season. Even the acting is a overdone, just like in the 80s. Judging from what Iโ€™ve seen so far itโ€™s going to be a fun season to watch.


Sep '19
The last full season I watched was Freak Show, I tuned out a few eps into Hotel...really can't stand Lady Gaga. So I decided to give this a chance and put it on demand. Not bad at all, especially liked the opening sequence but I admit the soundtrack and references made me feel old. I'll be tuning in on Wednesday for the 2nd ep.

Bambithedeer says:
#13, Reply to #12

Sep '19
I think freak show was one my favorite seasons theyโ€™ve done! If you havenโ€™t seen season 7 โ€œCultโ€ I highly recommend it! Itโ€™s by far my favorite season! This new season does look promising though, fingers crossed! Lol

#18, Reply to #13

Sep '19
The seasons I've seen, from favorite to least favorite, I'd go
Murder House
Freak Show

Ballz says:
#19, Reply to #18

Sep '19
Asylum was my favorite too. Really the only season I liked from start to finish. Also gave up in the middle of Hotel.

Since everyone's praising the new season, maybe I'll give it a chance.

#20, Reply to #19

Sep '19
I was surprised cause I gave up on the show but the 1st ep of 1984 did show some promise.

Bambithedeer says:
#21, Reply to #19

Sep '19
I was the same way with Hotel. I got maybe to episode 5? I just could not get myself to get into that season.

Tommix says:

Sep '19 *
I watched it again last night before I went to bed. I would like for it to be fairly fresh in my memory, before I see the next episode.

Last night, I noticed that if you pay close attention to the very quick camera shots they do of various characters faces, immediately after some random piece of information is revealed, then you can learn quite a bit.

Like, when Xavier suggests for the first time that they all go to Camp Redwood, they quickly show Montana's face and she looks very uninterested. But then he changes what he says slightly, and says they should all go there "tomorrow," meaning the day after they are speaking, of course. Instantly Montana perks up and gets really interested. It makes me think a.)she had some reason to want to stay in Los Angeles that night, and b.)she had some reason to want to get the hell out of Los Angeles the next day. Sooooo... that's interesting.

Also, when they are in the van the next day driving to the camp, Montana says something to Brooke about how the killer will never be able to find her at the camp, he will have no idea where she is. They quickly show Chet's face, and he looks troubled, disturbed, and bothered by what she says... he looks like he doesn't agree, but is reluctant to say what's on his mind, for some reason. Sooooo... that's interesting.

Also also, when Brooke is in Los Angeles, she seems to really love her jewelry. She sort of lingers over it, and they show her lovingly putting her jewels in that wooden box. The camera seems to pay attention to one ring in particular, unless I'm imagining it. So, I know this show has done a lot of magic and paranormal stuff in past seasons, so maybe one of her rings is supposed to have some kind of powers?!? My guess would be that NO this is not the case, but we don't know for sure... In fact, another thing is, we do not know for sure that the Night Stalker went to her apartment completely at random. Perhaps he had some specific reason to seek Brooke out in particular, a reason that she may or may not be aware of. If so, and if she is aware of whatever the reason is, (maybe pertaining to her jewels?) she might not necessarily want to share this information with the others going to the camp, right? She MIGHT, but... we don't know for sure. She could be hiding something. Maybe the Night Stalker wants her jewels, or some specific ring, for some kind of paranormal or Satanic reason? And maybe she is aware of this, or partially aware of some of this? We shall see.

We shall see.

Bambithedeer says:
#15, Reply to #14

Sep '19
Iโ€™m going to have to rewatch it! I do remember the part where it showed Chetโ€™s face and he did like kinda off..

I really love your ideas! Especially the night stalker.. it does make sense that there would have to be a reason to specifically to her!

Tommix says:
#16, Reply to #15

Sep '19 *
Thank you!!! It does seem significant that the Night Stalker sought her out specifically, doesn't it? Maybe at this point the shows writers want us to think he is taking an interest in her personally because she whopped him on the head with the frying pan, but perhaps he had her on his mind already, before she did that. Also, it is just strange that he immediately asked her about her jewels. I don't remember anyone saying anything about him being a jewel thief. He's just supposed to be a serial killer. So, maybe something's up with those jewels. Possibly something magical.

I wonder if we wil gradually discover that that aerobics class in the beginning was just some kind of set-up, and all the people in it were some kind of secret agents from rival covens of witches, or rival cults of Satanists who are competing with each other to control the serial killer by means of magical jewels... I'm trying to think like the show's writers here. I haven't even watched the show much, but from the comments I have seen online, they seem to think up this type of thing.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.