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Mar '19
I am currently on a rewatch of this show, and man I forgot how much I absolutely love it. It's such a lighthearted show about a guy who suddenly becomes entagled within the CIA. Zachary Levi does a wonderful job playing Chuck Bartowski, and never fails to make me laugh. This show was never slow, and had a way of always keeping its audience pulled in. I know when I finish the series again, I will definitely be a little upset, because there are not a lot of shows that are as amazing as chuck was!

Tommix says:

Mar '19
I liked that show! emoticon I remember, sometimes it used to remind me of a show from the early 90's called Flying Blind. Tea Leoni was in that, when she was in her mid-20's. Good Lord, she was hot.... but, the show was kind of similar to Chuck, it was supposed to be about a fairly regular, cautious, always-keep-your-head-down kind of guy who got mixed up with these wild people who lived their lives to the fullest, took huge risks, etc. I think one or two episodes has spy stuff going on, but most were not really like that.

Snowy_Owl says:
#3, Reply to #1

Mar '19
I might have to check it out! It sounds like a cool show!

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '19
@snowy had to push this show onto me, but after a season, I started to love it. I'm 4 out of 5 seasons done with it, and it's been pretty fun. There are a lot of high-stakes spy shennanigans, as well as the pointless goings-of-on in the show's central store, the "Buy More". I like those plots, kind of because they don't have anything to do with any overall scheme. Plus, Big Mike and Jeffster are great to watch.

The show also has a great list of guest stars to it. Tony Todd, Scott Bakula, Chevy Chase, Michael Rooker, Linda Hamilton, Dolph Lundgren, Harry Dean Stanton (as a repo man), Timothy Dalton, Armand Assante, Gary Cole, John Larroquette, Ray Wise, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and probably more. Robert Englund had a great episode about some guy who had a nightmare-inducing drug.

Side rant that stuck out to me right away... I suspect that Terminator 2 had an influence on the show. Big Mike is played by Mark Christopher Lawrence, who was a security guard in T2. The "ominous" music has cues similar to the T2. Also, Robert Patrick and Linda Hamilton are in the show. Summer Glau is also in the show, and she played a terminator, as did Patrick Kilpatrick, also present. Also, Linda Hamilton says "Come with me if you want to live". Also, the show's producer McG directed Terminator 4.

And in conclusion, Terminator 2 is the greatest movie ever.

Snowy_Owl says:
#4, Reply to #2

Mar '19
Im honestly so glad you liked it. This is one of my favorite shows of all time. And now that I have watched all of the Terminators, Thanks to you, I can see all of the references. For example in season 4, Linda Hamilton does pull ups with her bed frame while capture. I never knew the significance to that before, but now I do. I can't wait to watch season 5 again.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #2

Mar '19
Another T2 coincidence: This show features Subway a lot, and Subway had a lot of T2 promotion back in the day. It was advertised on the VHS, and they had in-store deals for T2 cups and stuff.

Tommix says:

Mar '19
You probably know this already, but... well, I lose track of which people on this board are from the US or from elsewhere. Not that necessarily even matters these days, with so many transnational shows on Netflix, etc... AAAAAAANYWHO, I just wanted to mention that Yvonne Strahovski played a really important chracter in the last two seasons of Dexter. Good to know! Some people lost interest in the show after the season with John Lithgow, but I still thought it was good all the way to the last season.

Snowy_Owl says:
#6, Reply to #5

Mar '19
Yeah @box told me that when we started watching Chuck. He has been trying to get me to watch Dexter for months. Currently I am on season 2, and it is really good, but I just don't have time to watch all of these amazing shows. One of these days I will finish dexter. Then I can see what all the hype is about.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.