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Oct '20
Okay, so after catching the David Lynch Allusion in Buffy last night, I want to hear some of y'all's favorites, or just some you guys caught. Shows and movies allude to different works of pop culture, people, and ideas. I thought it could be fun!

A favorite of mine is from Friends. When phoebe finds out her sister is doing porn in her name, and one of the films is Buffay the Vampire Layer! This gets me every time!

I also tend to love it when actors play a character that alludes to one of their previous roles. It's cheesy, but I like it.

What have y'all caught?

OnyxHades says:

Oct '20
My favorite is from Poltergeist 2. There's a Native American character named Taylor (played by Will Sampson). There's a scene where Craig T. Nelson's character is unsure of whether they can trust Taylor and even says to his wife "For all, we know Taylor could be an escapee from a mental asylum.

Will Sampson played the character Chief in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest who does escape an asylum. emoticon


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