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Sep '20
So I know a lot of us are completely, or mostly soulless, but I want to hear the movies that make you cry.

So what usually gets me is animals. The first thing I remember crying to was Air Bud. When he had to go back to his original owner, and the heartbreak was obvious in both the dog and child.

Other than that specific movie, animal deaths are the ones that make me cry. But there are some movies, that I cry at the feel of it. Not so much the people dying, but the reaction of the people around them.

Well thanks for reading my stoned thoughts, but seriously, I wanna hear movies that will give you a good cry. Come on guys, don't be shy!

Bambithedeer says:

Sep '20
So many movies make me cry lol. I'm pretty sensitive and can get very emotional with some movies. I do agree with you on the animals thing. That's one of the main ways you can get me to cry.
If one of my favorite characters end up dying I usually cry. (I know it's not a movie but hence why I haven't finished Grey's Anatomy lol!)
I'll have to come back and edit this to put a list of movies that make me cry in the morning! đŸĨ°

Snowy_Owl says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '20
There are so many tv shows that make me cry. I feel like because we get attached to these characters and then bam they are gone! Grey's is one of the shows that has. And don't get me started on this is us. I'm a sucker for the drama. And even the good stuff makes me cry. As I am getting older, I find I am getting more emotional. So maybe five years from now I will be a complete sap. But that's okay, bring it on lol

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '20
The shows you're talking about are pansy shows. If you really want to cry your eyes out, watch Six Feet Under. The series finale made me sob for hours.

Snowy_Owl says:
#4, Reply to #3

Sep '20
Well I don't think they are Panay shows. They are realistic. But to each their own. I will add six feet under to the list

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '20
Rambo 5

OnyxHades says:

Sep '20
The Ring and The Ring 2. I feel so sorry for the character of Samara.

Johan_WoW says:
#7, Reply to #6

Sep '20
Actually me too. I like her character. I wished they made a movie elaborating on what she was like before she became a vengeful ghost.

OnyxHades says:
#10, Reply to #7

Sep '20
That would be awesome! I feel sorry for Sadako in the original Ringu, but she's just not as tragic to me as Samara.

Johan_WoW says:
#11, Reply to #10

Sep '20
Sadako was also much older. I saw the prequel to Ringu (Ringu 0) but that one caused more questions than answers. I think a child works much better in that role.

Johan_WoW says:

Sep '20
Pan's Labyrinth, Ofelia's sacrifice...

OnyxHades says:
#9, Reply to #8

Sep '20
I love that movie! It's one of the prettiest movies I've ever seen and definitely is a tear jerker.

Tommix says:

Sep '20
Midnight Run (1988) is the movie that I think of. It's mostly just a very funny cop buddy movie, but there's one scene where Robert De Niro stops at his ex-wife's house... I think it's to borrow money. He's supposed to be pretty desperate. But, I can't watch it because of his daughter. She comes out to see him. She is about thirteen years old, and in the story her dad had left the family when she was very little... like four or five years old, I think. The idea of the scene was that she had grown up her whole life hearing that he was the only honorable cop on the police force, and was an absolute hero for what he had attempted (and failed) to do. Just the way she looks at him makes me want to cry. Then she tries to give him a little money she had saved up from babysitting, because she knows he needs any money he can get. It really makes me want to cry.


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