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May '20
Okay, so I know a lot of you probably aren't a fan of the cw or it's shows, but Arrow is honestly one the best shows I have ever watched. Sure it has a couple seasons, like 4, 5, and 6. I barely remember what those seasons were about.

Now I haven't always been a fan of Arrow. I watched a few episodes when it first came on, and I couldn't stand watching it. Four years later, I discover flash, who is my favorite super hero. So I binge flash, and of course this show has cross over with Arrow, because its the cw. It's alwasy been their thing. But I fell in love with the green arrow. So I binge the green arrow, and then a new show comes out. DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and then super girl, and batwoman, and now star girl. Next year brings a superman and lois show, and Arrow is getting a spin off as well called green arrow and the canaries.

Arrow spawned a whole universe, called the arrowverse. Everyone of the shows connect, and its just fun to watch. Arrow is serious, Flash is a combination of serious and funny, and Legends is so cheesy but it work. Super girl works her feminin angle which most of you probably dont like, but it works for her show. Batwoman is just crazy from what I have seen.

8 years, 8 seasons, and so many fights, deaths, and twist and turns. They even connected the DCEU to the Arrowverse. This is where DC is getting better. So if you haven't watched these amazing superhero shows, then go and watch them. Its fun to binge. And if you have watched it, I would love to hear your opinons. Even if you have only watched one season, more. And even if you hate the cw, give the universe a chance. If you love superheroes like me, then go give it a shot. All seasons are on netflix.

Box_a_Hair says:

May '20
I watched two seasons, and it wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it wasn't something I cared to keep up with. From what I remember, I thought it was very funny in how much of a hypocrite Oliver Queen is, telling people not to kill, but he would go off killing plenty of people. I fucking hated how dull of a love interest Laurel was, and I don't remember much else.

One point of praise for the show... I thought Deathstroke was pretty cool. I'd look forward to him in season 2, but in the end, the show was still too CW for me, and it had a LOT of filler.

Snowy_Owl says:
#2, Reply to #1

May '20
I mean Oliver was a hypocrite in the beginning and it got a lot better. I also disliked laurel, but the actress gets a lot better when she is playing a different earths laurel. She actually became likable to me in the last few seasons.

Felicity was much better. I really loved her character. The quirkiness, and honestly she was the better person for Oliver

Yes the seasons got a bit CW, but it's an excellent show. I like the CW shows. They are pretty good and dramatic, and just entertaining. But everyone has there own opinion. I'm sorry the show didn't appeal to you. Have you tried watching Flash or Legends? They are funnier. And legends is a time travel one so it's pretty cheesy and fun.
Death Stroke was cool. He's probably my favorite villain from the show


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