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Dec '17
A very simple plot - Everyone at a Christmas Party gets a gift from their Secret Santa. This gift is the what is used to kill them in this slasher that attempts to be a retro 80s style slasher.

I have mixed emotions on this one. The acting was terrible and the script was uneven. The kills were done too quickly without any real suspense in them. There was too much comedy in it too. I also wasn’t fond of the added lines trying to make it look like a Grindhouse film.

With all the faults, I did enjoy the kills in this one. It was also refreshing to see the old fashioned gore effects. If you have Prime, it might be worth checking out.

💬2  615 views


Dec '17
thx 4 watching it with me papa

OnyxHades says:
#2, Reply to #1

Dec '17
Who the hell let you out of your cage? emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.