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Sep '19
Logan’s Run - People are recycled on the carousel at 30.
Midsommar - The elders commit senicide at 72.
Children of the Corn - They are sacrificed at 19.

Any others?

👍1 💬7  555 views

Tommix says:

Sep '19
The Island (2005). Well, sort of. I won't wreck it, but you know what I mean, if you have seen it.

ZombieCPA says:
#5, Reply to #1

Sep '19
I’ll check it out.

Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '19
Funny enough, someone at work today mentioned the Justin Timberlake movie "In Time", where people live to 25 and have to buy more time.

ZombieCPA says:
#3, Reply to #2

Sep '19
Justin Timberlake. Sounds like crap, but I might watch it.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Sep '19
Yeah, he's not a great selling point, but he was good in Alpha Dog. I haven't seen In Time though, so I can't vouch for it.

markus-san says:
#6, Reply to #3

Sep '19
The Island is directed by Michael Bay. So you have two lots of crap to enjoy (actually it's not that bad..at least not as ghastly as the Transformer movies).

Tommix says:
#7, Reply to #3

Sep '19
That reminds me, I think the Justin Timberlake movie was actually based on an episode of some TV show from the 80s, and the episode was called The Price of Life. Fred Ward is in it, so, I consider that a good thing. It really is quite interesting, I have probably mentioned it here before. It isn't exactly the same as Logan's Run, but it was probably partly inspired by Logan's Run. Here it is:



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