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Feb '18 *
Admittedly, this is a sub genre that I am not too knowledgeable about, but I have seen a fair few. I like found footage films, some are rubbish, and some are great - that bring some much needed originality. I go through phases, where I was a lot of FF movies, to where I may not see any in months, but I always find them entertaining. .I never do anything by halves, so I will list what I really liked. (In order, for the most part)


The Poughkeepsie Tapes 2007
Death of a Ghost Hunter 2007
The Last Horror Movie 2003
Grave Encounters 2011
The Fourth Kind 2009
The Blair Witch Project 1999
UFO Abduction 1989
The Tunnel 2011
[REC] 2007
Hangman 2015
As Above, So Below 2014
The Possession of Michael King 2014
Home Movie 2008
Noroi: The Curse 2005
Paranormal Activity 2007
Cannibal Holocaust 1980
V/H/S 2012
Banshee Chapter 2013
Paranormal Activity 2 2010
Diary of the Dead 2007
Cropsey 2010
Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County 1998
My Little Eye 2002
Chernobyl Diaries 2012
Megan is Missing 2011
Afflicted 2013
Lake Mungo 2008
Cloverfield 2008
The Last Broadcast 1998
Devil's Due 2014
Extraterrestrial 2014

What are/is your favorite FF movie(s)?

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foz says:

Feb '18
some great FF titles there, really like Home Movie, very creepy kids. Not so sure about Hangman, but at least you didn't list 'Ratter'! here are some of mine, apologies for any repeats from your own list i'll try to avoid replication. repetition? meh, either way.

Man Bitea Dog (1992)
Long Pigs (2007)
Exhibit A (2005)
Inside No.9 (TV 2014) Ep 'Cold Comfort'
Thesis/Tesis (1996)
Zero Day (2003)
TrollHunter (2010)
The Dirties (2013)
Incident at Loch Ness (2004)
Hell House LLC (2013)
Shopping Tour (2012)
Hollow (2011)
The Conspiracy (2012)
Creep & Creep 2 (2014 & 17)
VHS 2 (2013) segment 'Safe Haven'
The Sacrament (2013)
Alone With Her (2006)
Digging Up the Marrow (2014)
The Borderlands (2013)
The Last Exorcism (2010)
The Houses October Built (2014)
Hollows Grove (2014)

I'd really like to see 'Be My Cat: A Film for Anne' (2015) but a bit like you n Sommerens i've not been able to find it online. It did the festival circuit and apparently has had internet & DVD release, but not on any naughty sites. Yet.

Gymnopedie says:
#3, Reply to #1

Feb '18
Agreed on Home Movie. Thereare some titles on your list that I have heard good things about, and I hope to watch in the near future like Exhibit A (2005), The Conspiracy (2012) and Thesis/Tesis (1996). I have never seen Ghostwatch (1992) and I am kind of ashamed to say it. It is one of the few horror movies that I still need to see, really bad.

If I find come across Be My Cat: A Film for Anne on my travels, I will let you know.

Since I have you here, Foz, what i your predictions for the Six Nations?

foz says:
#9, Reply to #3

Feb '18
Ghostwatch isnt so much a horror movie as a Welles Mars invasion, if ya not familar with it then dont read just watch. if you are familiar with Parky, Craig Charles n hubby n wife Smith n Greene then you know the mockdoc nonsense is dated but fun. Remember at the time some people called in thinking it was real

Thesis is brilliant ,would highly rec. Exhibit A is a good FF example of a man trapped by his own decisions, deterioating into madness. A family matinee.

foz says:
#13, Reply to #3

Feb '18
sorry, neglected to addressyour rugby question. Ahead of the tournament i was with most pundits in thinking it will come down to Eng v Ire on the last weekend, and two tests in i am still of this opinion.

Wales inexperienced Scarlets heavy side suprised many (including me) against Scotland, and were a little unlucky with the no try against England.

Sexton's late drop goal in Paris was crucial, couple more home fixtures for the Irish should see them up for the Slam come final weekend. But, barring upsets, the same can be said for England.



iceflamez says:
#6, Reply to #1

Feb '18 *
Can't praise The Conspiracy highly enough, what a creepy little movie, i am not into the conspiracy theories that much, but damn it was effective beyond belief, some truly unsettling moments in this little flick, amazing watch.

I have watched Be My Cat: A Film for Anne, without spoiling anythng i expected it to be better, very drawn-out at parts it kinda runs out of steam quickly but hey deserves a watch for being something different.

iceflamez says:
#7, Reply to #6

Feb '18
Also thumbs up for Hell House LLC and The Borderlands!

foz says:
#10, Reply to #7

Feb '18
woohoo! i really liked The Borderlands, esp the ending, so many horror movies are let down byt the last act.

iceflamez says:
#8, Reply to #1

Feb '18
Call me crazy Foz but i actually liked Ratter! If it's something plausible that could happen to you in real life, it always manages to disturb me. Now obviously it's far from being a groundbreaking masterpiece but it was actually entertaining to me!

foz says:
#11, Reply to #8

Feb '18

i guess it's as plausible as any other webcam invasion movie, i hated it tho, boring excuse to see disney girl in pants, worse than Hangman


Feb '18 *
These ones you listed I like/love:
The Last Horror Movie 2003
Grave Encounters 2011
The Blair Witch Project 1999
The Tunnel 2011
[REC] & the sequel 2007
As Above, So Below 2014
The Possession of Michael King 2014
Home Movie 2008 - second to favourite of all time
Noroi: The Curse 2005 - my absolute favourite bar none
Paranormal Activity 1-3 2007
Cannibal Holocaust 1980
V/H/S 2012
Banshee Chapter 2013
My Little Eye 2002
Afflicted 2013
Lake Mungo 2008
Cloverfield 2008
The Last Broadcast 1998 - really grown on me over time

Ones I'll add that:
Exhibit A
The Borderlands
Alien Abduction 2014
The Bay
Creep 2014
Digging up the Marrow (more docu style)
Europa Report (if it counts)
Frankenstein's Army
Alone with Her
The Houses October Built (sans the ending)
The Sacrament
The Taking of Deborah Logan

Really, REALLY want to see Hell House LLC but can't watch online myself and so far they only seem to ship to USA. Annoys me to no end as I've been interested for a long time now. Oh well.


Feb '18
i typically despise found footage so my list will be rather short

Trollhunter (2009): this one's really terrific.
Europa Report (2013)
Banshee Chapter (2013)
the Blair Witch Project (1999): not actually too much of a fan but i give it credit for originality and creative marketing.

i liked a couple of the V/H/S vignettes but they had several misses as well.

iceflamez says:

Feb '18
I love this thread. Some truly outstanding ones that i really loved :

The Last Broadcast : I belong to the minority but the ending sent shivers down my spine. I loved the whole concept behind it it was quite the journey, one of my all time favorites, if you take account the time that it was released one of the real progenitors of the genre.

Lake Mungo : I was terrified right off the bat with this because it was an Australian flick w/o subs and with the pseudodocumentary approach i thought i was gonna struggle with understanding the dialogues but fortunately that wasn't the case. I loved the little twists and turns throughout but near the end that one scene that everything culminates to, holy shit i was terrified i felt compelled to pause the movie and turn on the lights, it was that fucking good, first time in ages that i felt genuine terror. For that scene alone this movie gets the highest praise from me.

Megan Is Missing, The Poughkeepsie Tapes : I put these 2 in the same basket, pseudo-documentary style felt like it was an actual documentary truly disturbing stuff, i would say Poughkeepsie is one notch higher on the disturbing factor, but both are super solid.

The Blair Witch, Home Movie, My Little Eye, Cannibal Holocaust : These go together on the entertainment factor, both great watches unsettling in their own way, again top shelf FF material.

The Possession of Michael King, Noroi: The Curse : These 2 are due for a rewatch. Mostly indifferent the first time around.

Cropsey : Truly disturbing but i regard this as an actual documentary.

Now others you haven't mentioned and i thought were great :

Creep (only the first one, the second while it's good overall it didn't have the same impact)
The Conspiracy (get this one watched if you haven't Gym truly fantastic stuff)
The Taking of Deborah Logan
The Den (great stuff)
The Visit (obvious choice)
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (amazingly amazing)
The Borderlands
Bodom (not to be confused with Lake Bodom)
The Bay (fantastic)
The Dyatlov Pass Incident
Hell House LLC (gem)

Box_a_Hair says:

Feb '18
The found footage genre is one that I tend to write off, because I feel it's rather contrived these days. If I saw someone always filming stuff, I'd probably avoid them. I think the concept is dumb and gimmicky, but there are a few okays ones out there. I liked The Sacrament, The Blair Witch Project, and Megan is Missing creeped me the fuck out.

I see a few of these titles listed often, so I may seek some of these out. Perhaps we ought to have a Found-Footage Challenge. Perhaps a week long effort to catch up on some of these.

iceflamez says:
#14, Reply to #12

Feb '18
Please make it happen! Either a FF Challenge or an Extreme Horror films one. Would sign up so fast you would miss it blinking!

Johan_WoW says:

Feb '18
I tend to avoid Found Footage movies as I don't like that shaky, blurry or dark images. It makes movie making look too easy. Blair Witch Project might be the one that made the subgenre popular I still think it's a crap movie.
Home Movie had potential but I dunno rather hollow.

Now a few that weren't too bad I think:
Afflicted (2013)
[Rec] (2007)

And even though not completely found footage Cannibal Holocaust.

somesunnyday says:

Feb '18
The Blair Witch Project is one of the best horrors I've seen let alone FF.

I've never seen Death of a Ghost Hunter. Will need to check it out.

Some other favourites are

The Last Broadcast
Paranormal Activity
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Noroi: The Curse

I watched Exhibit A once and was really disturbed by it. It's sitting in my DVD collection and I'm reluctant to watch it again. I'm not sure I could handle it. It's not necessarily that good but it had a very bad effect on me.

iceflamez says:
#17, Reply to #16

Feb '18
Exhibit A... Title ringed a bell and lo and behold i actually have it on my shelf, gonna give it a go first chance ill get.

ZombieCPA says:

Feb '18
Cannibal Holocaust and Diary of the Dead (if it counts). Technically, Diary wasn’t found footage, but broadcasted on the Internet by film students.

Karli says:

Mar '18
The Taking of Deborah Logan
The Den


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.