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Mad Foxes (1981)

Mar '21
All I can say is wow. Can't believe it took me this long to watch. One the best bad movies I have seen in a long time. This movie should be the poster child of a board like this. It is so badly hilarious at times with the acting, dubbing and scenarios and then other times amazingly brutal with its violence.

I actually started to watch this on Tubi the other day but then looked into it and found out it was edited. The only unedited version I could find was the DVD directly through Full Moon so I picked it up. It was only $7.99 and they even threw a free DVD in with it. I was enjoying the edited version but some things didn't make sense. After watching the uncut version a few things were cleared up despite most of the movie still making no sense. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Anywho without getting into many specifics or spoilers there is a studly playboy who runs into a Nazi biker gang. They proceed to get revenge on one another and the revenge gets more extreme as it goes. Besides the playboy and Nazis there is a karate gang, plenty of naked girls and guys for that matter, some castration and much more. A must see for any fan of trash cinema.


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