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Oct '22
This one is usually regarded as a "classic", but not by anyone with high standards. It's a rip-off of both Black Christmas and Halloween, and starts off promising with some nice atmosphere and a bleak intro, but after that? Charles Durning hunts for the escaped guy, and our opening lead actress disappears for most of the movie.

The movie focuses some on mental illness, but the killer is still a tool. Not very frightening to the hardened viewer. I feel like the movie was conceived around the first 20 minutes, then a bunch of filler happens until a tame showdown.

If it's any consolation fo this movie's fans, it is still better than the 2006 remake. I remember when I was fresh on horror back then and I still thought that movie was fucking garbage.

1979 version had potential, but it falls a bit flat. It probably would've made a decent TV movie though, but that's what the sequel was for, apparently.

Black Christmas did it better.

markus-san says:

Oct '22
I thought it started off very well but you're right, as soon as it switches focus to the investigation it becomes a bit of a chore to get through but still, overall I thought it was pretty decent.

Yakko says:

Oct '22
I hadn't seen Black Christmas or Halloween when I first saw this film. I thought it was pretty good at the time, even though the mid section dragged a bit. When I finally saw it again years later after having seen so many other films, I would admit it didn't hold up as well as I'd hoped. I wouldn't say it's terrible, but its main fault is still the middle section where we don't see the main actress and it really does drag enough to be noticed. A few kills added to this part might have helped a little. The whole thing is helped by the fact that Kane, Durning and Dewhurst are all very good actors.

The sequel, When a Stranger Calls Back, is actually not too bad. When I first saw it I wasn't expecting much, but it does have a few really creepy scenes that I won't reveal since some people here may not have seen it. Like the first one it does have some parts that drag a bit, and it's obviously not the same killer as he was killed in the end of the first one.


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