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Samurai Cop

Nov '21
Not the biggest score for turkey points, but these movies sure are a lot of fun. A 90s beefcake with long hair and his bland partner have to take down some Yakuza, with the big bad being Robert Z'Dar. Obviously, nobody in this movie knows Kung Fu nor do they act the part of a samurai, but it works as a crappy buddy cop movie, complete with gratuitious sex scenes and violent cops who never follow the rules. Full of cliches, including the angry captain and random-ass scenes of bad guys trying to a kill lead heroes at inopportune moments, only to fail miserably because our heroes are "the best".

One aspect I thought was pretty funny is during a car chase early on, the car clearly isn't moving, but the characters pretend it is as they shoot out of the car door windows. I saw it once, forgot everything about it, and watched it again and found it to be a bit of a gold mine.

A few years ago, they crowd funded a sequel. How do you improve upon a cult classic that was already pretty awesome to begin with? Get Tommy Wiseau to play the villain! While our protagonist's cheesy vibes ought to be enough, Wiseau really hams it up with his typical bad acting. It's like the director didn't script his scenes at all and simply gave him a sword and told him to go crazy and act like a samurai master. Z'Dar at least tried to play it serious, but Wiseau is a caricature of himself. It's amazing.

Tromafreak says:

Nov '21
I've never seen this.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Nov '21
Why the sad face? They're both on Tubi.

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #2

Nov '21


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.