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Dec '19
Silent Night, Deadly Night... Part 2! Here's a movie that makes you wonder wtf was going through their minds when they made this turkey. This is probably only the second time I've watched this movie, but I liked it more this time around. There's something about that 80s cheese factor that makes this piece of shit endearing.

I watched the first movie earlier for some Xmas points, then I watched this one and got nearly the same amount of points for it, because 50% of this movie is flashbacks. Our hero Ricky seems to remember all sorts of things he wasn't around for, as well as stuff that happened when he was an infant. I think that aspect of the narrative is pretty hilarious. Very poorly thought out.

So Ricky is whining to his therapist and recalls a lot of Billy's kills from the first one. Basically all of them. It's a sloppy rehash of the first movie, but then the second movie actually starts... and it's pretty fucking dumb.

Ricky goes on about his sob story, but the whole time, this asshole seems very smug in how crazy and fucked up he is. He thinks he's a lot cooler than he is, but somehow, he manages to get the women anyway. Probably because of his muscles. His girl Jennifer is pretty hot and mostly understanding of him, but he ruins that pretty quickly as he can't control his impulse to kill and goes on a suburban killing spree with a gun for no good reason. Then after a while, he gets himself in prison and escapes only to don that Santa suit and attack mother superior, who has a moldy face now for some reason.

Who knows what they were thinking when they made this. They thought a lot of flashbacks would be a good idea. They thought an arrogant tool like Ricky would be a formidable villain. They took all the Christmas atmosphere out of this Christmas slasher and turned it into an abomination. Too bad it's still better than some of the sequels...

What a dumb movie. I give it a 5 out of 5.

jimb14red says:

Dec '19 *
Love this movie! Also am a big fan of part 4. Although it should be called something else kind of like Halloween 3.

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #1

Dec '19
4 had a different vibe that I couldn't quite follow. However, Part 5 did kinda remind me of Halloween 3, what with the robots and all...

jimb14red says:
#5, Reply to #3

Dec '19
Yeah I mean it didn't fit in as a Silent Night film like Halloween 3 doesn't fit in with the rest of the Halloween movies. It was directed by Bryan Yuzna and I thought it had his old vibe like Society.

sfpx says:

Dec '19
There's a pretty decent movie here if it weren't for the flashback bonanza.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #2

Dec '19
I like how much recasting is going on in this movie. Older Ricky from part 1 is recast in the flashbacks, then recast in the older Ricky scene, then played by that arrogant douche for the majority of the movie, and these guys look all sorts of different. Recast everyone and show a lot of flashbacks. That's how to make a movie!


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