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May '19
Anybody watch Netflix's new biopic "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile"? It's based on a book, for those participating in this month's challenge, and it's a pretty interesting look into the mind of Ted Bundy, one of America's most infamous serial killers.

I'm not very knowledgable about the man except for his reputation, but this movie covers that prominent era of his life, yet it does so in a rather unconventional way. Ted Bundy is a serial killer, but this movie chooses not to focus on any of the actual murders. Sounds like a jip, but it ends up being a somewhat fascinating character study on the man and how his actions have affected the media and those who he'd had forrmer relations with.

Efron kills it as Bundy. No pun intended. Besides being a sexy stud, Efron has charisma, which is a prerequisite in playing a character that was known to be rather normal, and even somewhat charming fellow. And as far as the movie goes, he seems that way. Normal, but with something definitely off about him.

Pretty good flick, also featuring John Malkovich as a courtroom judge, Haley Joel Osmond as Bundy's ex's love interest, Jeffrey Donovan from Burn Notice, that nerd Jim Parsons from Big Bang Theory, and what do you know! It even has James Hetfield from Metallica! So yeah, it's a pretty good cast, good production values, et cetera. Check it out.

markus-san says:

May '19
I would love to sit down and watch this on Netflix this week, except I live in the UK unfortunately and they've decided not to release it over here.

markus-san says:
#6, Reply to #4

May '19
Thanks for offering, but I am cool with waiting a while. Hopefully Netflix will add it here at some point in the near future. I watched the documentary so it doesn't really make sense but anyhow..


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