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Jun '18
My mind has been blank lately. I'm zoning right the fuck out, and I don't have any inspiration for anything. I spent the last few months writing my second book "White Trash Dracula", and that took a lot out of me, but I enjoyed the process. I want to write something else to keep me distracted, but I don't know what.

I have ideas for more stories based on universal monster movies, but I don't want to push the next one until I've got a solid outline, so I'm debating whether or not I should try writing something else in the meantime.

Sometimes, you hear an idea that sounds so stupid, you need it in your life. I'm trying to find the right idea to write about, but I can't think of anything that clicks just yet.

Maybe I just need to write something very gimmicky? Something different? Something that's pure horse shit, but what?

Anybody written a story that you're particularly proud of? Anything you wish could have been written better? In fact... do any of you even write? Does anybody write anymore, in this age of micro-tweets and vanity posts?

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jun '18
Write a short story. Anything. I'll read it. I think writing is good for the soul, and not a lot of people give it a good enough effort.

I used to write short stories regularly when I was a teen and early twenty-something, but then I opted for longer, more well thought out shit, and I quickly became much less productive. Short stories are a good idea, but I have a hard time with them these days.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jun '18
I hear that. I just don't have enough time, what with work and errands. I mean, I do have time, but not the energy to do it. By the time I get home, ready to write, I'm just too tired, so I throw something on tv and zone out. If I even have enough energy for that.

I drink a lot of energy drinks just to stay barely conscious.

Box_a_Hair says:
#6, Reply to #5

Jun '18
I get too much sleep these days, and that's never good. I fade in and out of a depressed state a lot lately, and my counter effort is to drink lots of caffeine. If I drank regular coffee, I'd probably be alright. All that taurine and chemical shit is probably bad on my liver too, but probably no worse than all the whiskey and beer and drink. I got really drunk last night, I actually got a hangover. It's been a while since I drank enough to get one of those.

It also doesn't help that my local 99cent store has nitrous monsters for $1. I've been buying a shit-ton of those fuckers. It's hard to ween yourself off of a caffeine / energy-drink habit. I think I probably fucked myself over from my days of working at Arbys. I'd chug coffee there, and mix it with mountain dew.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #7

Jun '18
I bike to and from work everyday, which is about 3 miles each way, so I think I have the exercise covered. I always thought that people who work out a lot must not have much going for them, but I kind of understand why some of them do it now. Because it is a distraction from the mediocrity of life itself.

While good coffee is good coffee, I'm not cultured at all. I'll drink whatever, because I can't afford to be picky. Black coffee, iced coffee... as long as it's not decaf. That's just fucking pointless.


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