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Jan '18
When we first started Trash Epics, I was pretty hung-up on b-movies, Troma, slashers, etc. I added a bunch of those to the movie database, then we brought in a few other users to add their titles, and now we have a few thousand titles on here. This is more than I've seen, but it isn't about me, which is why I've been adding those titles I don't particularly like, but some of you might. It's all about getting that contrasting perspective to know how shitty real shit is, and where other people's tastes lie.

With that said, I think it's great that we've got sort of a council of movie-goers here who rate as many titles as they know, and to those of you reading who don't vote on things... Why not?

I've watched a lot of movies in my life. I like movies, a bit more than the average man, if I do say so myself. That's why I can say I've seen over a thousand movies, and the quest always continues. We're always trying to find more movies to fill the void, and inspire us with concepts we've never seen before. I think there are still a plethora of b-movies, exploitaiton films, horrors, and ocassional normal-people movies out that have yet to be touched upon. It's all about discussing stuff, and getting those recommendations.

Are there titles we don't have listed that you think should be here? Perhaps an unsung classic that we've all miraculously overlooked? I only adds 'em as I sees 'em. Does this database mean anything to you? I think IMDb had weighted ratings that tend to make them rather useless. You know, all those people rating only 1s and 10s? Then there's those film snobs with their heads so far up their asses, they only like arthouse movies? Bias hits hard on IMDb, and I trust the voices of my peers over here when it comes to entertainment.

Johan_WoW says:

Jan '18
Rating movies after all these years I would expect it would be easier for me but still I find it hard to put a number on my appreciation. Also like I said before the 1 to 5 system with no room for half points does not go well with me.
I did some adding myself last year which was fun for a while but at one point I realized I was doing what has been done before on other movie sites which I actually use for movie info. So sorry to say I don't use TE for the movie db but merely for discussions and the occasional challenges.

Johan_WoW says:
#5, Reply to #2

Jan '18
I'm with Box on this, if I rate movies I base it mostly on the level of enjoyment I got from the experience. Mother! (2017) might be a good movie in the pretty original way the story was told or sending out a message in a symbolical way. Of course those who are totally not known with the events in the Bible are probably lost. However as the movie went along I felt myself bored and annoyed. Also it's not the kind of horror I like. So I rate such a film 2/10 no matter the raving reviews. It's the kind of movie that gets me depressed. Ok that was maybe the movie's intention but of course there are people who think there is some kind of deeper message in it. Maybe I'm too naive, lazy or uninterested to see that but don't care.
Blood Feast 2 is in no way a masterpiece but it is so incredibly entertaining to me in the sense that I have seen it multiple times in the last 3 years and I still get so happy and entertained by it. Right there is nothing wrong with a horror movie making me happy. There is various others having that effect on me: Dolls (1987) got from 7/10 to eventually perfect score. And when we talk about some kind of deeper meaning/message as weird as it sounds: Cannibal Holocaust. The haters don't see past the gore and especially the animal cruelty bothers them and thus they think it's a cheap way of filmmaking. But as that nasty film crew got in the end what they deserved it tastes sweet. I especially like when the evil doers have to go through the same they have done to another. I spit on your grave tastes sweet for example. Eden Lake on the other hand feels sour. That was the director's intention but it doesn't mean I have to enjoy it, besides there is plenty of events in that movie that made me rolling my eyes during the viewing experience. Martyrs is another one, there is torture but no revenge and for the torture for the most idiotic reason ever. Of course many fans think it is something deep, I don't buy it. In the end there isn't given an answer to the question they want to see answered.

And if people don't like how you rate movies that's their problem. Usually it's a matter of taste, it's useless trying to argue about that. Besides what fun is if we all liked and disliked the same stuff. What use is it to start crusades against people who dislike your favorite movie(s). It just tells me those people have too much time on their hands and repeating the same things (Lep style remember) over and over again resulting mostly in exactly the opposite. Thx to Lep's dozens of praising BWP topics I dislike Blair Witch Project even more than I did before.


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