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Oct '17
Out of nowhere, I just caught myself whistling the Last Cannibal World theme.


I also love the Cannibal Holocaust theme.

The Friday the 13th game is releasing new content, and for some reason, they chose the Suspiria theme for the video. Can't wait to find out what "Paranoia Mode" is. emoticon


I also love the Madman theme, and I think that movie is perfect.

Damn modern movies... I can't think of ONE of them that has memorable theme music! Prove me wrong, people.

Ballz says:

Oct '17
Neat trailer. A Bay of Blood's theme would've been a more appropriate giallo pair up for Friday the 13th, though I guess it's not as recognizable.

Madman's theme is indeed great. As a vaguely related movie, The Burning's theme is also worth mentioning.

I love most of John Carpenter's themes. That guy knows exactly how to make a movie theme get stuck in your head.

Day of the Dead's theme is another favorite of mine.

As far as memorable modern movie theme music goes, I'm drawing a blank. I remember people raving about It Follows' music when it came out. A good movie, but I can't recall a single moment of its music.


Oct '17
As far as recent theme songs go, RZ's Lords of Salem rings a bell for my tastes. The soundtrack is good with Velvet Underground and Nico creating a nice creepy ambiance with 2 tracks used at pivotal points in the film.

Tromafreak says:

Oct '17








foz says:

Oct '17 *
Riz Ortilani's theme for CH is fkin awesome. Also realy like Music Box from Candyman, Exorcist, Hellraiser, Psycho/ReAnimator, The American Astronaut, Tetsuo & pretty much all of Carpenter scores. Recent movies the use of sound in Berberian Sound Studio, My Wrongs, The Witch & Eyes of my Mother was really good but more noises/effects rather than music. Same with Decoder tho that's not recent. Deathgasm & The Devils Candy have fun metal tracks throughout.

Nobody cared for pointless shot for shot Psycho 98 remake but the soundtrack is decent, and for me the Disasterpiece score was by far the best thing about It Follows.

Love the ost for Requiem for a Dream if that counts a some sort of horror. and the intro bit to the Masters of Horror series rocks. plus loads more i cant remember


EDIT - totaly forgot about Goblin!



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