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Oct '17
Just finished my October Challenge with my final FTV, Offspring (2009).

Holy hell, is this guy a twisted writer. So far, I've seen The Girl Next Door, which was a totally depressing misogynistic tale of a 1950s family with a dark secret, and the guilt of never speaking out about it. I also watched The Woman, which was about another twisted family that keeps a savage girl they find in the woods. In Offspring, there's more savages, but these ones are violent instigators of brutal dismemberments. Seriously, that movie was fucked!

What do you think of Jack Ketchum? I'll be making an effort to see his other works. I want to see Red, but every time I searched for it, I only got streams for that shitty Bruce Willis movie.

NoseOfNicko says:

Oct '17
Havenโ€™t read any of his books, but Iโ€™ve seen The Girl Next Door, The Woman, The Lost and Red and liked all of them a lot.


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