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Oct '17
You know, since everyone was wondering this exact topic? Well, I've finally done it. It's tough to come up with a top-10 for a band that's so redundant, yet so great at the same time, but damnit... I've done it!

Beat on the Brat


The gist of the song is this: "Beat on the brat... beat on the brat... beat on the brat with a baseball bat, oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh ho! With a brat like that always on your back, what can you lose?"

Chain Saw


A song about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, that really has nothing to do with that movie. One of the first songs I learned to play on guitar, because like every song of theirs, it's only 4 chords!

Come Back Baby


I like this song, because it sounds like another Ramones song that I like even better. That's what the Ramones were all about. Great songs that all sounded the same.

Crummy Stuff


Perhaps their dumbest yet, it sumultaneously becomes among their greatest. "I had enough... I had it tough... I've had enough of that crummy stuff. Crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy crummy stuff."

Do You Remember Rock N Roll Radio


Ramones give you their tribute to classic classic rock. Definitely cheesy, definitely great.

I Wont Let it Happen


Got a nice simple melody to it that just works.

My Brain is Hanging Upside Down


One of their more intricate songs, with something more to say than the usual Ramones song. Still not saying a lot, but it's still plenty.

Out of Time


A Ramones-ified cover of The Rolling Stones song circa 1966, which is also one of the greatest songs of all time. Ramones nailed it, and cut the song in half, to stick with their usual tendencies to keep the songs short.



Ramones trying to sing a sad song, and it kind of works!

This Business is Killing Me

The greatest Ramones song ever is coincidentally the last in this otherwise alphabetic list of Top 10 Ramones songs. This list is... is a fact... that's subject to change. emoticon


NoseOfNicko says:

Oct '17 *
Iโ€™m actually not that familiar with The Ramones. I know a couple of their songs and donโ€™t care for them, so I never checked out more of their music, but Iโ€™m gonna listen to all of your top 10 songs later tonight or tomorrow.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Oct '17
I've been listening to the Ramones for a good decade now, and I'm finally getting a little hardcore about it. I can't get enough of them lately. They're really simple, but they have a lot of the right elements to make fun music. It ain't complex at all, and has a garage band feel for a lot of the earlier stuff. The lyrics are simple and repetitive, but if they've got anything going for them, it's how catchy they are.

I used to write a lot of songs, and have been trying to get back into that groove, but I haven't had a lot of inspiration for it. I really want to write a song in the style of the Ramones, but that's proven a lot harder than I thought. I can't write anything dumb enough! You'd think it'd be easy...

sfpx says:
#6, Reply to #2

Jan '18
Ramones wrote pop songs and writing a (good) pop song is NOT easy (or so I've heard..)

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Jan '18
Yup. I'm still open to the idea, but it hasn't come in 3 months. I guess I shouldn't push it. It's just a shame that I can't write a Ramones song, when they could write "Crummy Stuff", a song so dumb, yet so catchy.


I think I need to drink more if I want to be a real Ramone.

sfpx says:
#8, Reply to #7

Jan '18
Maybe sniff some glue, or some carbona, and find yerself a Judy or Suzy or Sheena.

ZombieCPA says:

Oct '17
No Pinhead?


#4, Reply to #3

Oct '17
I don't want to be a Pinhead no more.
I just met a nurse that I could go for.

sfpx says:

Jan '18
Currently on a huge Ramones kick at the moment, going through all their albums (a few for the first time as well), and I remembered you makin' this thread. I'll name my fav song from each of their albums

Ramones - Chain Saw
Leave Home - You Should Never Have Opened that Door
Rocket to Russia - Sheena is a Punk Rocker
Road to Ruin - I Just Want to Have Something to Do
End of the Century - This Ain't Havana
Pleasant Dreams - You Sound Like You're Sick
Subterranean Jungle - I Need Your Love
Too Tough to Die - Planet Earth 1988
Animal Boy - Somebody Put Something in My Drink
Halfway to Sanity - Garden of Serenity
Brain Drain - Punishment Fits the Crime
Mondo Bizarro - Main Man
Adios Amigos - Scattergun

I think they're amazingly consistent. Don't really understand the flack they get for their 80s albums. Yeah, there's some missteps here and there, but not enough for me to call any of their albums bad, in fact, a few of them are as good as the 70s material.. I like Phil Sector's production on End of the Century and their 90s albums (barring the covers album Acid Eaters, which I haven't heard) was strong as fuck and an amazing way to go out. Subterranean Jungle is really the only album that suffers a noticeable dip in quality compared to everything else in their catalogue (You know I mean it when my favorite song off it is a cover.)

sfpx says:

Jan '18


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.