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Mar '17 *
I'm not terribly open-minded when it comes to music. I tend to stay within a range of decades I know and trust, and while it can encompass a lot in itself, I tend to stick with classic rock.

I guess I'm not so into music of these days because I don't have the ear for it yet. I'm kind of primitive when it comes to trends and stuff. I only get to this stuff about ten years down the line, when nobody cares about it anymore. I think a lot of my dislike is how overproduced some of it can get. You couldn't go into a garage and reproduce it without electricity. Music today is too dependent on it, I think, but I digress...

Like I said, I go for the the stuff I know and trust to be good. I don't know... there's just something about songs by actual talented groups that makes their replay value never fade away. Plus, classic rock is great to zone out to when you're high, because that was encouraged for these groups.

Nowadays, kids don't even know how to get the most out of their marijuana, and don't even know how to get high properly. Damn whipper-snappers! emoticon

I was listening to The Doors a minute ago, and I had an idea where I was going with this post, but I lost it. It... is... gone. I'm trying to get back into a music habit and write some new songs, hopefully for new videos. I've been slacking this year...

sfpx says:

Mar '17
Not very. I'm extremely narrow-minded and usually just stick to what I like: rock. Though on occasion I jam to some electronic music and hip-hop.

Tromafreak says:

Mar '17
Back when I wasn't a very big music fan and wasn't very aware of my own musical taste, I preferred the run of the mill stuff they might play on the local classic rock radio station, but I got tired of that some time ago. Since my Black Sabbath obsession led me to discovering Candlemass, I've stumbled upon the world of underground European Metal. Doom, Black, Gothic, and Post-Metal is most of what I listen to. All post-80's and mostly European. Good shit. I've also gotten into Post-Rock, Dark Ambient and Neo Classical as well. Considering how many different types of music is out there, I guess I'm narrow minded too, but it's an awesome feeling to discover that you actually do love music and to discover the music that fits your personality.

Avira says:

Mar '17 *
I've went through so many musical phases I can't even count. I never stop liking anything when I upgrade. I used to be into bands like Happy Mondays, Stone Roses etc. in the 90's then got into grungy ones. After grunge I started listening to shoegazey music like Jesus & Mary Chain, My Bloody Valentine, Curve, Lush etc.

From there it was a natural progression (lol) onto trance and bands like Chemical Brothers and Leftfield.

Now I'm a huge breaks fan, mostly progressive, atmospheric with a little industrial. It's the only music that's given me the chills in a while. I do also like psytrance and deep trance with meaty basslines. Not the stuff that you get ringtones of with piano melodies but the deep, dark stuff. Breaks though are without question my current love. Best thing is that Soundcloud has tons of sets from Dj's and I can download them to my greedy little hearts content. Digital Department has probably done the best sets I've got from there so far.

I still like all the bands I used to listen to in the past as well as the Beatles, Velvet Underground, the Doors, the Who and tons of other older ones that I grew up hearing my Dad listen to.

The only music I truely detest is this current climate of karaoke type X-Factor hipstery clones that make my skin crawl. Every time I see them with their boring unimaginitve names I just feel sorry for all the kids and teens who will never get to experience real music because of these talentless twats rolling off the production line.

Ballz says:

Mar '17
I'm quite limited in what I listen to. Classic rock is big with me as well, but even there, I don't tend to try out bands I've not already been listening to for years, outside of a song or two if it's good enough. I also dabble in metal, industrial, and soundtracks. Again though, it's limited.

I know little about modern music, besides that a lot of it sounds bad. I believe the music industry, much like the movie industry, just doesn't give a shit anymore.

NoseOfNicko says:

Mar '17 *
Very. I like most music genres and like music from all eras.

I used to only listen to metal and hard rock and believe that everything that wasn't metal or hard rock sucked, but I was so wrong. I started giving other genres chances in my late teens and discovered that there's A LOT of great non-metal or non-hard rock or even non-rock music. Almost every music genre has atleast a few great bands/artists, but sometimes you have to look for them. I get annoyed when people say music today sucks. It doesn't, there's a lot of good music these days, you just have to look for it. I wish people would stop being lazy fucks and assuming new music sucks just because they're too lazy to look for good music. They just assume all of it sucks just because most music on the mainstream radio sucks. Most of the best music hasn't been on the mainstream radio for decades.

BloodWank says:

Mar '17
I'll give anything a fair listen and tend to enjoy music across a good range of genres, even radio pop, but for personal pleasure I'm quite limited. Mostly black metal or death metal and related outliers in the drone, experimental, industrial and noise fields, a smattering of post metal or doom to mellow out to. And outside of metal, vintage alternative rock, roughly early 80's to early 00's. Some punk and post punk. Comfortable with my limitations, as the fields are actually pretty wide (actually black metal is vast and I like almost all except National Socialist). Occasionally someone tips me to good alternative rock post early 2000's or good 70's rock and that's cool too.

peeptoad says:

Mar '17
I have listened to a lot of different stuff or rather been exposed to a lot of varying stuff, but what I tend to really like or love (and listen to the most by far) usually falls within a more narrow range. e.g. I like both garage rock/proto-punk (my favorite) and some stuff like the Grateful Dead, Ozric Tentacles, etc. so I guess that's eclectic...


Mar '17
Mostly classic also, but I do like rap-metal (mostly Rage Against).

Znep27 says:

Mar '17
I feel like there's a wide range, but I don't know. Technically, everything I listen to falls under the rock umbrella.


Mar '17
I listen to a wide range of stuff - all eras of rock & pop (although I lost a lot of interest in the newer stuff in the last two decades I still enjoy some newish bands like The Decemberists, Vampire Weekend and Pink Martini), classic country (& some of the more traditional newer stuff), bluegrass, blues, funk, Jazz (all genres except for the softer stuff like Kenny G, but I really love free jazz, bebop, cool, latin & dixeland/traditional), punk, experimental, classical, modern composers like Glass, Reich, Adams, etc, lounge, exotica, opera, world music... I like a lot of singer/songwriters like Neil Young, Dylan, Tom Waits...

The things I don't tend to like include most rap and top 40 of the last three decades, but I even appreciate some of that.

somesunnyday says:

Mar '17
Very. I love everything from Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin to Led Zepplin, Iggy, The Cure and Cindy Lauper. I'm quite open minded to anything that sounds good.


Mar '17
My music taste is pretty broad. Some mornings I listen to Grindcore others mornings I listen to doom. Once in a why I will through on some old hardcore.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.