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Chuck Berry

Mar '17
youtube I can honestly say I don't know a single song of his besides the one Marty McFly gave him in Back to the Future, "Johnny B. Goode".

Still, I listen to a lot of classic rock from the 70s, and I know those guys where bigtime influenced by the blues and rock stuff from old timey (black) performers from before that. It's the end of yet another era, I suppose.

His last album was 38 years ago? 1979? And he's got a new one coming out this fall.

NoseOfNicko says:

Mar '17 *
Love Johnny B. Goode. I've listened to some of his other songs and most of them sound almost exactly like JBG. Same chord progressions and all. That's why I'm not a fan of rock music from before the mid 60s.

The guy is a legend and influenced a lot of great musicians and I definitely respect him though. R.I.P.

Ballz says:

Mar '17
That's the only song I know by him too and I can't say I have a strong urge to explore his discography now, but it's still damn impressive that he's got another album coming out. RIP.


Mar '17
He also starred in perhaps the most hilarious celebrity sex tape ever made. For those who haven't seen it, Chuck is with a white chick about 30 years younger than him. He pisses all over her, does a massive fart while he's pissing on her, and when he's done pissing, he tells her "I can't kiss you cause you smell like my piss". Classy stuff!


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.