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Oct '16
What kind of video games are you into?

I don't game that much, so it's kind of a stupid question. I'm not really playing ANYthing right now. I'm more interested in the behind the scenes stuff lately. Me and @der are working in Unity3D to make some video games, and it's fascinating.

I used to play D&D games like Baldurs Gate. The pc version was a full RPG adventure with a lot of customization, so it was really fun. The console version was also bad-ass, because it was just a hack and slash game.

I also played about 400 hours worth of Left 4 Dead. L4D2 wasn't as good, but I played it plenty, and Portal 1 and 2 were great.

Typically, if I ever want to play a game, I turn to the NES and Genesis emulators. Sonic and Mario!

I'm looking forward to the Friday the 13th game, which comes out... this month!

Deferenz says:
#16, Reply to #15

Feb '17
Hey there. I finally managed to get registered.

Deferenz says:

Feb '17
I'm into gaming and have been since 1982 when I got an Atari VCS. I like collecting games consoles and have a room with about a dozen on display.

I really love horror games and have just picked up Resident Evil 7. However, it is in a queue to be played behind; The Evil Within, Alien Isolation, Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2, ZombieU and Dead Space.

At the moment I am really enjoying FIFA 17 and quite like sports games. I was thinking about picking up NBA 2K17 as it looks pretty good.


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