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Apr '15
Recently, I got cable, with a few months of those premium channels for free. Safe to say, I've been watching a lot of tv.

At the same time, I'm completely aware of how much the idiot box can brainwash you. I guess I've always enjoyed entertainment over anything else, so I let myself get brainwashed.

How much tv do you watch? And what kinda of crap do you tune into?

damn_cyborg says:

May '15
I've been slowly watching Game of Thrones. Three seasons in, and I really dig it despite not being a huge fan of the fantasy genre. It has some awesome characters and the perfect amount of violence, swearing, and boobs, I just want to say that again, boobs. I've also been watching some sitcoms such as Trailer Park Boys, Big Time in Hollywood, FL, Silicon Valley, and Parks & Rec. They're all pretty awesome. I'm also super stoked for the new seasons of True Detective and Fargo.


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