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May 19
I went on Saturday and after the always cofusing admittance process, I went straight to Matthew Lillard's line. Hey, my nephews love Five Nights at Freddy's, so I wasn't going to bail out on that. Besides, I hadn't met anybody from Scream yet, can you believe that? I've met just about all the other big deal horror guys, but nobody from Scream. Since his FNaF venture, Lillard's fame kinda blew up at these cons, so his line was pretty long, but he handled it well, and since I had children with me, I got to cut in the VIP line... only to have to wait another hour as he bailed for a Scream panel.

Despite being pretty expensive, he was very friendly and took a pic with the nephews and signed all their plushies. After that, the kids had no real reason to stay, since I can never seem to get them to watch any actual horror movies. I made sure to ask him real quick what it was like to work with John Waters and David Lynch. He said, "Amazing," for both.

There were a few people I wanted to meet, but Lin Shaye's line was quite long. I guess people love those Insidious movies, but I've never seen any. I just love Detroit Rock City, but that was a no-go. Eli Roth's line was long and expensive, so that was also a no-go. Sean Cunningham and Adrienne King were only there when I was about to leave, so that was a no-go also. My buddy wanted to meet Juliette Lewis, but she was arrogant and had a private area on the top-floor with some Lost Boys guys and you needed virtual tickets to meet her. WTF? Who does she think she is? Someone popular and relevant?

image I did, however, meet Adam Green. His line was empty, but he was cool as hell. He was telling us how Hatchet 5 has been hindered by covid and the strikes and all this hoopla. He also had the book written by Parry Shen's character from Part 4 about his survival story. Yeah, that was a real book and Adam Green wrote it! emoticon It apprently covers the 10 year gap between 3 and 4 and is filled with embellished falasies, which I thought was a nice touch.

image And next to his table was Danielle Harris, who didn't have a line this time, but she was still looking great. I snapped a picture of her from afar and zoomed in it. I've seen some great shirts with her on it and was hoping I could find one from one of the vendors. I would have asked her to sign it. Or spit on it. Or spit on ME. @der said I should have asked her to stick it in her pants, rub it around, and then give it to me. I would have paid good money for that.

Shit, that place was crowded. I hate getting stuck behind people who stop randomly as if there aren't a hundred people behind them trying to squeeze through the narrow spaces, so I was ready to beat it. But to get my money's worth, I did weasel in a short line to meet Michael Ironside. He was basically exactly as you'd expect him to be. Angry looking, but not a jerk. I'd forgotten he was in Turbo Kid, and he mentioned that they're making a sequel. Of course, it is also being held up by the strikes, go figure. I told him I loved his intensity, and he seemed to enjoy that.

I've gotten pretty efficient at not wasting too much time at these cons. The lineup this year wasn't exactly new or thrilling, but I always get something good out of it.


May 19
I miss going to conventions

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

May 19
Where did you go?


May 19
Up here, there would be 3 good convos a year. Chiller Theater had 2 a year. 1 in the Spring which was ok and a really good 1 the weekend before Halloween. Fangoria Weekend of Horror was usually a little after between Halloween and Thanksgiving. I haven't been since 2017?

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

May 19
Nice. Meet anybody cool at any of them? Or got any pics?

#5, Reply to #4

May 19 *
Dude, I got stories. The last Chiller Theater I went to in 2017 was crazy! I was really drunk (surprised) drinking Cabernets, and went on line with me boys to meet Martin Landau, which was great, I got him to say "I never drink wine!" I think he died a few months later. Famous line from Ed Wood. Next to him was Traci Lords who had no line. She's giving The Vinny the eye... so after I'm talking to Martin, I go to her table. I'm looking at her photos, she has pics from Blade and others and I'm like... where's her pics from Excision? She's like she doesn't have any? I'm like, what do you mean you don't have any? It's your greatest role? She starts getting uppity and yelling bs at The Vinny?! So I go up to ear and whisper into it "Ya know, you're the 1st girl I ever rubbed 1 out to?!" Man...she lost her sh!t! Got me thrown out of the Convo! Me and me boys laugh about it to this day!

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #5

May 19
I met Traci Lords briefly. I didn't get an autograph, but I should have, since she was in a John Waters movie. That's instant cool points for anybody.

I think some of them are ashamed of certain roles. Like when I met Gaylen Ross and her table was mostly pics from Dawn of the Dead and Creepshow where her head is poking out of the sand as she drowns. I'm like, "I wish you had some stills from Madman," and she looked away and kinda mumbled that she didn't know what I was talking about. Nothing to be ashamed of! Madman is one of my favorites!

#8, Reply to #7

May 19
Dude, have you yet to see Excision? Need to see that!


May 19 *
Coolest people I ever met at a convention was Linda Blair and had a drink at the bar with Val Kilmer. Hung out with Chyna once too, she was popping pills like crazy and at the time The Vinny's nickname was Pac-Man!

Tommix says:

May 20
Danielle's arms look very strange in that picture. Very short, almost malformed. I have never had that thought about her arms before. Is it just some kind of weird perspective thing, about the angle you took the picture from?

But beyond that: that is pretty awesome that you met those people. I wish Matt Lillard were higher-profile, he was so freaking hilarious in Scream, but I have not really seen enough of him since then.

My mom was once the high school psychologist in Adam Green's hometown of Holliston, MA! If I ever meet him, that is definitely going to be the joke I make to break the ice: "Golly, I bet you spent a lot of time in my mom's office, huh Adam, you sick fuck?!?" No, seriously, they never met. I think she worked there a little before he was in that school.

That would be a treat, to meet Michael Ironside... Hey, now you are only one degree of separation away from Arnold, and the great Ronny Cox, and David Cronenberg, among others.

Tommix says:

May 20
I just realized that your picture of Danielle H must have been taken with some kind of funky lens, am I right? Her head looks distorted, as well as her arms. Also: having met Michael Ironside, you are now only one degree of separation away from away from your favorite actor, Casper van Dien! Wait, you have probably actually met him (Casper) personally, anyway...? Anyway, yah.

#11, Reply to #10

May 20
I love Michael Ironside. From Scanners to Total Recall to The Machinist.

Box_a_Hair says:
#13, Reply to #11

May 20
Let's not forget Terminator 4. emoticon

He was also a good psycho in Visiting Hours.

#14, Reply to #13

May 21
Never saw Visiting Hours, guess I gotta see that.

markus-san says:
#20, Reply to #13

May 22
Don't forget Starship Troopers either.

Box_a_Hair says:
#21, Reply to #20

May 23
Honestly, I do kinda forget about Starship Troopers. I know it has a fanbase, so there must be something I'm missing.

#23, Reply to #21

May 23
"Giant bugs, who would believe such things!"

Box_a_Hair says:
#12, Reply to #10

May 20
image Haha, no I haven't met Casper Van Dien yet. And I've been 1 degree away from Arnold since my very first convention when I met Michael Biehn. Even though they never really shared any scenes together, it still counts!

The thing about the Danielle pic is that I took it from very far away and had to zoom hard on her. It's hard to sneak a good pic.

My fave sneaky pic was from 2018 when @der got in the same frame as Ron Perlman. Classic Ron, got a woman under each arm.

zed says:
#15, Reply to #12

May 22
OMG is that ron perlman?

playing on the tv behind the staff member in the red t-shirt

Box_a_Hair says:
#16, Reply to #15

May 22
That would be his banner on the wall, but yes. Ron Perlman is standing next to his booth at the venue. Yes.

zed says:
#17, Reply to #16

May 22
More than one Ron what is this black magic

Whos the fashionable guy with the socks and sandels?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.