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Jan 1
New year, same old shit. I try to be optimistic and set goals. I totally failed on last year's resolution to make a new video, but time has a way of slipping past me so fluidly. My new resolution will be more vague, such as eating better. Less sugar. Maybe get some more sunlight and try to be more active in the daytime, instead of wasting my life on this here computer, working on nothing important and watching tv and jerking off.

Some Site Stuff

Speaking of working on lame garbage that nobody cares about, I have a few things I'm still brainstorming on for TE. As a programmer, I haven't gotten to explore the glories of a thing called WebSockets yet, but I'm hoping I can weasel my way into that this year. It's a real-time connection from browser to server, so it would improve the shoutbox, tracker, and casino stuff immensely, as well as provide stuff like facetiming, and dare I think so far ahead... maybe even multiplayer video games.

I was also considering perhaps automating user viewings. Maybe on the home page, there would be a text input field for what you want to log as a viewing, so you can type it in real quick (title, year, some brief comment) and then submit it to update some user list. If you were to log everything you watch (autofill titles would be pulled from site's DB and maybe even from imdb, if I don't get blocked), then it could auto add you to applicable challenges, if that type of data could be figured out. Hard to say since challenge rules vary.

I'm not sure on that last one, but I've wanted to update the shitty outdated 'lists' feature for a while now, and while I still might do that to some extent, I'm not sure I should bother if nobody cares to use it. Also, I'd understand if it's not wanted because it would kill some of the merit of a traditional sticky post with comments. Just pitching ideas here.

I'll still dabble in various random side projects, because when the ideas hit, they hit hard. So hopefully, 2024 will be an okay year. We'll probably get at least a few decent movies, but...

Election Year?!

Ah FUCK. This year is the presidential election. If it's anything like last time, it'll be a complete travesty with both sides slandering the other and it'll cause more social divides. I like to say I washed my hands of this stupid rigged two-party rigmarole, but I'm sure some extreme liberal stupidity will set me off eventually, but until then... stay tuned.


Did you know that 2024 will mark 10 years of TRASH EPICS? Yeah, that's right. We've been ruining lives since 2014. We used to ruin a lot more lives, but those pansies bailed out on some infinite potential here. Of course, without the userbase, I haven't been able to optimize things as quickly as I would have done had I more urgency to do so, but I still think this site is more competent and robust than those IMDb spin-off boards I quit looking at years ago. Now my webhost? That's a different story. When the site goes down for like a day or so, that's their fault. Never my fault. Maybe once or twice. Five times, tops.

I am upset that we lost basically 90% of our users over the years, but I'm also very incredibly lazy and gave up on trying to bring in new users, so I'll take some responsibility for why we're such a barren wasteland most of the time. Maybe TE hasn't found its niche yet. Maybe I'll figure it out in another 10 years.


So what does everything think of 2024? Yay or nay?

Tommix says:

Jan 3
Troma and gottfrid will recognize this, from New Year's Eve (or so):


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.