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Aug '23
Emilio Estevez, Cuba Gooding Jr., Stephen Dorff, and Jeremy Piven are headed to a boxing event night in Chicago, but escaping from a traffic jam leads them through the bad part of the city. The part where gangsters like Denis Leary are killing people. After a whole ordeal, Denis does in fact kill someone, but our four heroes happen to witness said act, which puts them on the run from the gangsters out to silence them.

It's a pretty solid movie, asking its viewers how they would react in these situations. What would you do if you were being hunted, and police are nowhere to be found? Would you keep your cool, or lose your shit? Our boys just can't catch a break!

An amusing side point... Cuba Gooding Jr. has to cross between two tall buildings on a ladder between them. In Scream 6, there is a similar scene in which the group needs to cross between two buildings. Cuba's son Mason Gooding almost went through that same ordeal, but he was in another room.

It's funny how much Stephen Dorff evolved in the 6 years between 1987's The Gate and 1993's Judgment Night. He changed a lot.

Denis Leary plays a good asshole. He must be one in real life. What a cool guy.

Znep27 says:

Aug '23
I still haven't gotten around to this one. It's an odd instance of a film soundtrack album being way more famous than the actual film. Each song is a collaboration between a rapper and a metal or hard rock band, which was still a fairly novel idea at the time.

They were talking about it on the Always Sunny podcast recently, and Rob said how most of the movie was shot on the same street as the building used for the exterior of Paddy's Pub, and you could see it in a number of shots.

Znep27 says:
#5, Reply to #4

Aug '23
I just watched it, and yeah, you could clearly see Paddy's at one point, right before they got jammed down that alley.

Pretty good movie. But I just have to mention something I found so fucking funny right near the end. Maybe it's because I'm drunk, I don't know. After the the cops finally showed up and everything was over, this one cop is diligently dabbing Emilio Estevez's face with a tissue. Like what the fuck? What is he accomplishing here? All that shit they've been through, gotta make sure we dab this guy's face! What, is he gonna get an infection or something?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.