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Jun '23
Studio 666 came out of nowhere, and it disappeared just as fast. Who knew Dave Grohl was such a big fan of The Exorcist? Because who isn't, really? So his effort is a haunted mansion / music studio in California with some rock star horror backstory... featuring Jenna Ortega!. Albeit super briefly. The Foo can't come up with a new album, so they go to this haunted-ass place for inspiration.

Dave is the lead, obviously. Whilst you can tell he isn't an actor, you know he had fun with this, and his acting isn't terrible or anything. The late Taylor Hawkins apparently didn't want to memorize lines, so he improved all of his. I already forgot the rest of the bandmates, because they were lame and not funny. One of the guys had gray hair and looked really old and he definitely couldn't act. He couldn't wipe that stupid look off his face the whole movie. Then the other guy being overtly sexual was definitely unfunny, and then there was another guy or two. I forgot most of the movie, and I definitely zoned out at the end, because it got pretty lame and boring.

I love Dave Grohl, I do. I know he means well, but the story isn't great. This it becomes a movie about the kills. That's cool enough I guess. But with Exorcist inspiration, you'd expect a different result. I didn't hate it though. It does feature a John Carpenter intro score, as well as his classic white Albertus title font, as well as JC himself in a bit part as a sound mixer. The backstory on him scoring a track is pretty cool too. It involves too many brain thoughts and thinking stuffs for me to put to words right now, but this awkward, mildly amusing meta possession horror flick by the Foo Fighters definitely exists. Should you watch it though? Or should you take my word for it?

Box_a_Hair says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jun '23
How do you know this movie had a budget? I can't find anything online about what the budget was. I'm assuming it was pretty slim since the movie only made 2 to 3 million total and had basically no marketing campaign.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jun '23
Well these days, movies can be shot on iphones, and the Foo are in fact a group of friends. They also got John Carpenter on board for free. He volunteered to score/cameo. So it may very well have been a self-funded movie made on weekends.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Jun '23
I'm pretty sure they're familiar with how music videos work. And they have plenty of fans who would probably work for nothing.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.